Our First November (11.16.14)

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Dear PJ,

Your first November! This is so exciting! I have no idea if in ten years Wattpad will even exist if you'll even want these letters your silly cousin wrote for you. I'm just lookin out for ya. I saw a video of you singing with your mom and oh my gosh you are the cutest little thing. You understand, don't you? I think that little kids have a better grip on the world than anyone else. It's all so new to you, you can't be blinded or jaded by past experiences or prior knowledge. It's just new. It's marvelous. 

Some good things have happened this November. Armistice Day, for one. My marching band competition at which I placed 7th out of 18 with a 90.83 which was our highest score. I missed three days of school due to illness. You wore a hat. 

Okay maybe not all of the big things happen in November. They're all being saved up for the months to come with events like Christmas, New Year's, and my birthday all lined up. But not to worry. I'll make sure November is just as nice. 



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