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Veronica had just told her friends about her sister.
" oh, that which is really capeable of so much things, it just starts getting disgusting"  Betty said
The bell had just rang, and Veronica's phone started buzzing.
"I' sorry, i have to take this." She said to the teacher
" hello,I'm listening." Veronica said
"Veronica, i'm sorry to tell you this, but you have to skip the rest of your classes. We need your help" Her mom said
"Okay, where do i need to go?" Veronica asked
"We are out waiting for you outside. Your dad has already dismissed you" ger mom said
When Veronica got into the car, she asked
" what is wrong?" Veronica asked
" we have located your sisters locations, but there is a problem. Evelyn want's you to do something." The agent, Charles said
"Yes?" Veronica asked
" she has asked for money. Now our plan is to wire you, and, when she releases Madelaine, we will arrest her. Are you in?" Charles asked
"Deffinetly." Veronica immediatly replied
As Veronica was being wired, she and her parents went trough everything of what to do.

When they arrived a few meters before the place, she ran trough everything.
" now, we are going to hear what is happening, but if something is suspicious, or anything, pull this triger, to which will imediatly pull both of you out. " he said
Before going in, Veronicas mom said: " just be safe, please. Don't get either of you killed"
" come.." Hirum said to Hermione. Veronica saw the stress and fear in her fathers eyes, but when he looked at her back, she knew, that he believes in her.

It was like a wierd hotel. Evelyn had done everything.
"Room 316, floor 3" Veronica thought to herself
Third floor was all crowded with furniture. All of the doors were open for exepct one.
Veronica walked up and pushed it open.
When she opend it, it had bright lights. Alot for a fact.
" Hello, Veronica" Evelyn said
"Enough, Evelyn, stop. I will gove you the ransom, but you give me my sister" Veronica replied
"Okay, fine." Evelyn said walking over Madelaine
But right as she stepped in the doors slammed shut.
Behind her was Edgar, holding a knife the Veronicas throat.
"Don't you dare to say something. The smallest sound, both of you will be dead" Edgar threatened
And right at that moment,  the police shot in, and Charles shouted :"FBI, DON'T MOVE"
And then, again, Edgar was gone.
"WHERE DID HE GO?" Charles shouted
"Where non of you will find him, freaks"  Evelyn said
" take her out of my eyesight" Charles said
And they took Evelyn away
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asked Veronica
" i am okay. But where is Maddy?" Veronica said
"In here" an agent shouted
"VERONICA" Madelaine shouted
Veronica ran up to her
"Maddy, are you okay? She started to untie her.
"Yes, yes i am" she said
Once Veronica unties her they hugged
"Madelaine, did you see where Edgar went?" Charles went down on his knee's and asked
" no " she replied, and at that time Her parents went in
"MOMMY, DADDY" she ran up to them
"Mihà, you're alright, and not hurt. I'm so glad, that you're okay" her mom said
"Wait, what are these? Did he do something to you?" Hirum asked
"N-no" Madelaine said
" i'd suggest that she would go get checked out. To see if Madelaine is not hurt" Charles said
" we will arange that, thank you, Charles" Hirum said
" No problem" Charles then said& smiled and left

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