14. Little Dipper

Start from the beginning

"It's a pawn, that's not your color, and stop stealing the tiny horses!" Dipper scolded.

I looked over at Mabel to see she had all the knights in the pocket of her sweater. "They like it better in here," she defended. "Don't you babies?" She then nayed to pretend the horses were responding.

I chuckled at her. "You are a rare one, Mabel Pines," I told her.

I saw Dipper move one of his chess pieces and knock over Mabel's king. "And... checkmate!" he chirped.

"What? Boo!" Mabel whined.

Dipper took out a notepad that kept score of the different games we played. He marked a tally under his name on the 'Chess' page. Mabel had 0, I had 15, and Dipper had 85. He takes winning too seriously. "Ooh! Dipper wins again!" he cheered. I playfully rolled my eyes and chuckled at him. He gave me a playful glare and scrunched his nose which made me giggle.

"Yo, Mabel?" we heard Soos ask and turned our heads to see him standing on top of a ladder. "Can you pass me that brain in the jar? The lady one?"

Dipper suddenly stood up which caused me to fall on my back. "Oof!" I exclaimed.

I sat up and rubbed the back of my head, shooting Dipper a glare as he volunteered, "I got it."

"Thanks, but Mabel's taller," Soos corrected.

"What? No, she's not," Dipper said. "We're the same height. We've always been."

"Better check again, dude," Soos said. Dipper's eyes widened.

I stood up along with Mabel and had the twins stand back to back. Dipper took his hat off as Soos handed me a tape measurer. I measured their heights and my eyes widened. I sighed and gave the measurer back to Soos. "Yep, she's got exactly one millimeter on you," I told Dipper.

"What?!" Dipper exclaimed. The twins stepped away from each other Dipper put his hat back on.

"Woah, don't you see what's happening, Dipper?" Mabel said in disbelief. "This millimeter is just the beginning. I'm evolving into the superior sibling! Bigger! Stronger!"

"Like some kinda alpha-twin!" Soos added.

"Alpha-twin! Alpha-twin!" Mabel cheered.

"C'mon, guys, nobody even uses millimeters," Dipper retorted. "It only makes you taller than me in Canada."

"Does height even really matter?" I asked the twins. "I shorter than both of you."

"Y'know Dipper," Mabel said, ignoring my comment, "I've always wanted a little brother. Who knew I already had one? Haha hahaha! Yeah!" I huffed and crossed my arms.

Then, Mr. Pines walked into the room in his pajamas as he rubbed his eyes. "I was awoken by the sound of mockery," he stated. "Where is it? Show me the object of ridicule!"

"I'm taller than Dipper!" Mabel informed.

"By ONE millimeter!" Dipper added.

"Hey, hey, don't get... short with your sister," Mr. Pines teased then laughed. I was just as fed up as Dipper at this point.

"Now Grunkle Stan, I hope you don't think little of him," Mabel jibed.

"Haha! Ya! And, and uh... he's short!" Mr. Pines finished. He and Mabel just laughed together.

Soos looked concerned. "Dude, maybe you should lay off a tiny bit," he said carefully.

Mr. Pines laughed and slapped his back. "Ha! 'Tiny'! Soos is in on it now!" he said. Dipper just huffed and stormed off.

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