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Name: Resenity or Sen for short

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown (looks 30)

Species: Forest Spirit

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: Resenity is a reserved and kind woman

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Personality: Resenity is a reserved and kind woman. She tends to only focus on her job of protecting the forest and as a result, doesn't usually experience much "fun" in her life. She may come off as cold but in truth she's just honest and blunt.

Backstory: Resenity was "born" in a mystical forest, being entrusted to protect it and all living creatures who lived there. She has no memories of anything before she was told to protect the forest. She has no intentions of looking into it either, but she often becomes a bit somber because of this and thus is found spending her time wandering around, lost in her thoughts.

The forest she protects is one where often people take refuge, as it has been rumored to be protected by a goddess—so she has many people that she must protect. There has been rumors that a group of people would all come to attack the forest one day but nothing has happened so far. Almost nobody has caught glimpse of the spirit, but people who claim to have seen her describe her as a beautiful goddess.

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