Working overtime

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"Okay, here's your lunch and snacks. Have a great day." D'Angelo said to K'Mani and Kameron. They both wished into school. D'Angelo has a lot of meetings to get through today.

Olivia texted him as soon as he sat behind his desk:
Olivia: I hope your day is going better than mine, Chocolate Bear.
D'Angelo: what happened?
Olivia: Shit load of people coming in for writing and things.
D'Angelo: at least you'll get to walk around. I'll be glued to my seat all day.
Olivia: I just thought of something...
D'Angelo: Girl, go on somewhere." Her texted.
Olivia: I'm not a girl. I'm a woman.
D'Angelo: Now you see how I feel.

Olivia laughed and D'Angelo chuckled. They each got back to business. "These are the estimates of our company over the next five years or so. With increase of supply, the demands will also rise and be able to exchange for good and services around the world. Now in your packets, there are a list of countries that I want you all to do research on and find what necessary services the country is in need of. Thank you."

Everyone all applauded and exited the meeting room. It was as l now time for a new meeting. New people, new problems, new set of ideas.

Olivia was pacing back and forth in yet office. One of the customers came in her business trying to yeah the place, get in her face, and get out of hand. Olivia retired to talk to that person, but no. They wanted to act a fool, so Olivia did the kindest thing not to act crazy.

After the police got the person if the property, Olivia held her head high and got back to work. Didn't say a word about the situation at all. She paced a lot around her office, calmed down before her next client.

"Thanks Ms. Olivia. My book is magnificent!" Olivia smiled. "You're welcome."
"Do you have any advice on how to go forward as a writer?"

"Write what's on your mind. Be excited to start and stay focused."

"Thanks Ms. Olivia! The person hugged her. Olivia felt happy again. She is always happy to see young people get into writing and come to get for advice or anything. Her phone rang, so she answered.

"Hey baby, what do you want for lunch?" D'Angelo said. "I'm headed that way now, so bring your own fork."

"Just bring your corny ass on."

Once they were seated at the table, D'Angelo leaned over, kissed her, and looked at her breast. He licked his lips and smiled.

"You want for or me?" Olivia asked, already knowing his answer.

"I can survive off you, but you have to eat too, so."

"I love you Hubby" Olivia said.

"I would like a Coke." D'Angelo said to the waiter.

"I want a lemonade." The waiter walked away with the drink orders.

"You're looking handsome today." Olivia said.

"Do I not look handsome everyday." Olivia smiled. She didn't know why, but she was.

D'Angelo tilted his head. "You're beautiful today." They both chuckled and had their drinks brought to the table. After ordering, they say there smiling and laughing like goofballs.

They said Grace, ate, and talked about the rest of their day. Neither of them said they'd be working late, Soo who knew?
D'Angelo dropped Olivia off at work, so she put her working face on again and continued to see customers and work on new books to publish soon. She had a whole pile of articles, rough drafts, and etc to get through. She new it was going to be a long night.

D'Angelo's final meeting wasn't until late around 10. He desperately wanted to be home with his screaming urchins, tucking them in bed, but he had to stay and go over the companies business sales.

Olivia was nodding off when the phone rung. "Hello?"
"Mommy!" K'Mani yelled, "are you okay?"
"Kameron and I miss you and Daddy."
"Where's Grandpa?" Olivia asked.
"In the kitchen making us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches."
"I love you kiddos." Olivia said.
"Love you Mommy!" K'Mani and Kameron shouted before the hung up. Olivia finished sorting, filling, and packing all the mess on her desk around 11:06, before she called D'Angelo to come get her.

D'Angelo sounded sleepy and sexy as hell.
He called when he was outside, so she could come out. He opened her did for her and drove home. He took awhile to notice how lucky he was before he picked her up and carried her in the house.

"Mommy, Daddy!" The kids yelled. D'Angelo hugged them before he carried Olivia to the room.

He knew the overtime was killing them both, but he had to work. He got undressed, slid under the covers, kissed Olivia, and place her leg across his torso.
Another update. Stay tuned, comment and like. Thank!!

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