Is this even a story?????

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It was strangely ironic how dense latte could be   about the interest a magician showed in her when she knew very well that she was in a romance novel and though it wasn't based off on her, there were plenty of slight signs that Arwin was giving that she just remained oblivious to or took as customer service.

They weren't grand gestures but small trickles of affection like deciding to bring her to the tower where he worked at or helping her out once in a while and though it wasn't a big deal it was Arwin, the master of the magic tower, preforming them

Everyone was mildly aware of the two's feeling and mostly left them be and although they weren't sure to what extent, they knew that the two were in one way or another very close

Latte was casually sticking herself to Ibelin to see what event would unfold with her around.
She of course coincidentally continued to casually collide with the male fishes constantly.

It usually went like this: Rondemio occasionally noticed her presence
Kenneth and her could occasionally joke around and take jabs at each other's expenses
Kenneth was actually a fun guy to be around and Arwin well....

"Dear Fairy, What a surprise to see you here."
There was no doubt in Latte's mind that he chose to pronounce this nickname he gave her in front of everyone to see her reaction and despite her best attempts to keep her cool it was clearly followed with Latte's flustered face as she watched everyone's reactions.

Rondemio and Kenneth were both a bit confused with Rondemio initially thinking that was targeted at Ibelin and was about to say something about how close he's getting with Ibelin when that's when he noticed Latte's shy reaction.
In fact, everyone noticed her clear flustered ness and Latte had everyone staring.
"Mr. Silver God of Death, surprising to see you too" she rapidly replied hoping to at least get him a little surprised.
"Silver God of Death?" Ibelin inquired as his nickname along with Kenneth and Rondemio were revealed and explained, " Oh wow that very impressive that you guys are so influential to have such a presence"
Of course Latte indirectly started to tease them about their nick names too and the attention started to roll off of Latte and onto the main fishes and Ibelin.
Of course Arwin's teasing didn't stop there when Latte was getting a little too intense and started laughing and talking too much with Kenneth or Rondemio he'd sprinkle in some
Dear customer or even My Dearest customer which were quick to get Latte's attention.

" Well I didn't ask for your company on the picnic date" Latte muttered
" Well it was the least you could do after I rescued you from those bandits Dearest customer" Arwin teased
" Jeez Im not a form of entertainment, I'm not a clown you know"
" Is that so, you should apply to be one ... I could probably be entertained by you for the rest of my life"
"That's a pretty big request you're asking there" Latte replied obviously not getting the weight behind his words
" I don't know, I think you could pull it off, I mean you already got the approval of the famous magician"

As these two continuously chatted. It became fairly obvious that they totally zoned out to their own world and the rest of group eventually watched these two sort of just casually flirt in front of them and just admitting to like a lot of things

The group decided to pretend they weren't aware of the romantic tension between the two
Nothing spectacular occurred that day but Latte went home and found herself to be in a extremely giddy mood that night and Arwin was in a noticeably better mood when he returned to the magic tower.

Latte however did find herself some unexpected company from a person desperate to get some answers.
Of course such behaviors starts to prompt questions which Latte was bombarded with from Ibelin.

"Aren't you a little too close with the Magician?"
" Are you actually becoming interested in him?"
" Do you know the likelihood of him liking you back?"

Ouch that last one stung because despite Latte disinterest in fictional characters
She may have started to genuinely enjoy Arwin's presence a little even if she was a tad bit scared of him still
She was able to fight back a little bit more against him because she was at the very least  aware that Ibelin was there.
"What no" Latte shouted
"To what question" Ibelin asked
" I don't know, all of them?" Latte shrugged, "Yeah I know he wouldn't be interested in someone like me, it's just part of his customer service that I've received since he thinks I'm hilarious he overdoes it at time though"
" Oh" Ibelin responded and paused clearly thinking her next sentence, " Hey Latte do you think there's anyway that Arwin could be interested in me I mean I thought he wa.... ,she paused herself and then continued,  I mean Im slightly curious about him and want to get to know him better?"
"What" Latte responded

Done felt lazy and just wanted this done and over with
Basically a rough draft with whatever came to my head might flesh it out
Also first real story sooooooo this was doomed to suck a little
But if you got this far congrats you get a star⭐️

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