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"please don't cry. i'm so sorry." alvaro begged and apologized, gently wiping the tear. he grabbed camila and pulled her into a hug, but she pushed him away.

"let me be mad at you." she pouted. "i've always been all about you. it's not fair."

"i don't want you to be mad at me." alvaro said, standing up and hugging her. she tightly wrapped her arms around him, feeling a sense of relief and security.

"you will always be the better guy for me, alvaro." she spoke into his chest. "no guy can ever, or will ever compare to you." she assured him.

camila looked at the time and saw it was super late, it was three in the morning. she put her phone down and stood up from her bed, causing alvaro to look at her.

"you should be getting home, it's late." she suggested, earning a groan from alvaro.

"can i just stay the night? i missed you." alvaro whined, grabbing camilas hand and pulling her to her bed. he lied down under her blanket, holding the blanket open so she can get under them with him.

she walked away from her bed, flipping the light switch to turn her lights off. she then went under the covers with alvaro, feeling both of his arms wrap around her.

"i missed this." she whispered, turning to face him.

"me too." he said, beginning to leave kisses all over her face. she laughed and closed her eyes as he kissed her forehead.

"and i missed those." she admitted, opening her eyes to see alvaro looking at her.

the two slowly began leaning in, their lips coming in contact with each other. their lips moved in sync and alvaro pulled camila on top of him. she straddled his waist and his hands went under her shirt, causing chills to go down camilas body.

he was unsure of what he was about to do, but he did it anyways. he began lifting her shirt, causing her to break away from the kiss. she removed her shirt and alvaro managed to flip her under him so he was now on top of her. he took his hoodie and shirt off, throwing them on the floor. he reconnected his lips with camilas.

she placed her hands on his chest while they continued to make out. he eventually made his way to her neck, sucking on it. he found her sweet spot, earning a moan from camila.

it was like music to his ears. he had no idea what the hell he was doing, but she couldn't tell. camila was getting hot and bothered, she wanted more than what alvaro was giving her.

alvaro wanted more as well, but he didn't know how far he could go. he knew he couldn't go as far as he'd like, he didn't have a condom and taking a risk to become a parent at the age of seventeen was not an option for either him or camila.

the two continued to make out for a little longer before alvaros phone went off. he plopped down next to her, seeing a text from the group chat. he ignored it and pulled camila closer to him.

"kinda not fair how you marked me up and you don't have one mark on you." she referred to the hickey she knew she would be seeing in the morning.

alvaro sat up against her wall and laughed. "so then give me one, dummy."

camila didn't hesitate to climb on his lap. she buried her face in his neck, sucking one spot. alvaro let out a quiet groan.

better : alvaro romeroDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora