why try ; dragon's fury x tiger rock

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why try

started: 28/12/19 - published: 29/12/19

'i never want to live without you, so why do i try?'

Narrator's POV

It was quiet at Chessington. Rightfully so as well, especially after Rameses Revenge's closure and Black Buccaneer's removal from the website. Yes, Buccaneer was still present in the park, but after a ride gets removed from the website and doesn't open for the 2019 season, you would get worried, despite the Chessington team telling the public to keep a 'weather eye'. Kobra was terrified, it seemed all the thrilling flat rides at Chessington were getting closed, and even though she probably wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon, the thought still got her blood pumping and made her anxiety skyrocket.

Hidden away in the Land of the Tiger, was a flume ride dedicated to tigers. Of course this was Tiger Rock. Surprisingly, her normal easygoing and content personality was still existent even with all the unfortunate circumstances that the park happened to be in. She seemed unnaturally unbothered to all the other inhabitants of the theme park located in Chessington, but no one considered or recognised was how she had already been rethemed twice. She was once Dragon Falls and Dragon River. She had been closed before and she understood how it feels to be left in the dark, not sure how you future will turn out way too many times. She knew there was no point fretting about it; there was nothing they could do to stop the closure of a ride, if a ride did get closed that is.

Dragon's Fury POV

I was tired. I don't like what Merlin is doing to us. To Thorpe Park, to Alton Towers and especially what they're doing to Chessington. Everyone has just been so... drained. The park hasn't been the same since the season ended. I-I don't know what to do, no one does. We're all confused. Even Vampire, Rattlesnake and Scorpion Express are keeping to themselves. I just wish I could act like myself again and carry my head high like Tiger does. Tiger...Somehow she seems perfectly ok. Is she not affected by this at all?

Narrator's POV

The dragon boy made his way to the tanned girl who could personify the endangered Amur tiger with such ease. She was sitting over the exhibit where the tigers were displayed, her legs dangling over the edge. "Tiger." The boy's voice rang out, cutting through the air like a knife. The girl looked up, her eyes glistening, a captivating smile on her face. "Dragon! Hello my friend, how are you doing?" First Strike. Her voice always seemed so sweet and enticing; It was hard for the spinning coaster to resist and not crack a smile back at Tiger Rock. But that's not what he was here for. Maintaining a poker face, he spoke up, "I-I need to talk to you Tiger Rock," pausing to consider his words, he then continued, "I hope you don't mind." The aforementioned girl pouted, not liking the serious atmosphere that surrounded the area. "Well I would guess you would want to talk to me Dragon! I knew as soon as I heard your feet colliding with the glass!" She giggled. Her wide eyes sparkled, they were a gradient between a tangerine and marigold colour.

It bewildered yet amazed Dragon's Fury how she could already be so accustomed and well-adjusted to the situation. It made him wonder, was she able to completely ignore it for her own benefit, selfishly not caring about her friends? But that didn't seem like something she would do. Then again all Dragon's Fury had been doing is guessing what Tiger would seem to do. He didn't want to consider this though. There was not a single possibility in his mind that the tiger-like girl could act so carefree due to self-centeredness. He would of course doubt every instance that the girl he admired acted so blithe because of her lack of self-involvement.

It was somewhat infuriating. By all means, he would never show any hostility to Tiger Rock or even shout at her. He'd even hesitate to raise his voice at the girl. It just didn't seem right, that's not including the fact he could easily intimidate her with his height; she only came up to his chin. But shouldn't he feel happy at least one of his friends are happy and not in a depressed state? Yes, but he clearly wasn't. Perhaps it was the way she handled it that made him feel so offended. He didn't want to admit it was the uncertainty that the girl he was so smitten with might not have cared for him at all. Call it twisted, but Dragon's Fury slightly had the desire to be closed for a while, just to see the little flume ride's reaction.

"Tiger, I'm being serious here" Dragon's Fury said in a strained voice, trying to get ahold of his emotions. The feline looked straight into the dragon's eyes with a questioning glance. "Have I done something to upset you? I hope not! My dear Dragon, I'm so sorry! You're like my best friend!" Second Strike. Tiger Rock fully turned around, clasping her hands together with a pleading look showing genuine guilt. It gave Dragon's Fury shivers, not the good kind, literal chills. "Tao. I'm dead serious, why are you acting like this?" He snapped, having had enough. He didn't raise his voice, just had a stiff and tense tone. "Why must you do this? What have I done to you?!" Dragon's Fury choked out, tears brimming his eyes. Alarmed after hearing her real name, Tiger Rock or 'Tao' almost fell off the edge of the Tiger Exhibit. "W-wait what? I literally don't know why you're in a mood with me, calm down Dragon!" She squealed out.

"Draigh! Please, you're my dearest friend, what's wrong?" Dragon's Fury didn't know why he was so bitter about Tao's response, but it made his blood boil. Oh right, third strike. The third time she's blatantly friendzoned him. To top it off, she used his real name as well! Dragon's Fury didn't want to respond, he knew if he did he would say something irrational and regret it. "You know, when Scorpion wanted to ask me for advice she wasn't this capricious." Tiger Rock sighed, rising from her previous sitting position. Dragon's Fury attempted to construct a sentence but all that came out was stuttering. He had made a bad move.

"T-Tiger!" Dragon's Fury cried out; after their little altercation he had sat alone for about five minutes to comprehend what had just happened, "I'm sorry! Truly," Tiger Rock stopped her absent-minded march. She has made it to Wild Woods by now. The dragon boy panted but quickly regained his breathe once he glimpsed at Tiger Rock; she clearly wanted an explanation. He took a gulp of air and then started, "It's just... I-I've liked you for a while now. And you were always so affectionate and compassionate and most definitely humane. But all of a sudden you didn't seem to care-" He cut himself off to draw a shaky breath then continued, "You would think the problem would be that your personality changed but it's the opposite. Your lack of... a reaction had me doubting myself every single day, Tiger. I adored and thought the world of you and when you acted like nothing happened it hurt. I wondered why I even try. You didn't seem as sincere as you used to and I-" Stopping once again to catch his breath, "I tried to convince myself that it was just you trying to keep the park's energy alive- So we wouldn't feel as down as usual. But you completely avoiding our problems is going to get us nowhere!" Dragon's Fury was now heaving, gasping for air. Tears spilt from his eyes, his hands tightly clutched his sides as he dropped to his knees.

It had made sense to Tiger Rock. Well half of it did. She already knew the recent events massively impacted Dragon's Fury, but him liking her? Seemed far-fetched. A sorry smile etched her face as she had to decline, at least for now. "Dragon... I'm so sorry but I can't return your feelings, y'know? I'm not completely turning you down but... give me time." She reassured. Dragon's Fury let out a melancholic sigh, already expecting this. He stood up, steadily enough, and walked off. "You drive me insane, so why do I try?" he mumbled, kicking rocks off the uneven path


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