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The world isn't the same. I know that now. I've given up on all faith and hope once this whole thing started. The dead. Most likely there is no cure. Would I like things to go back to the way they were? Yes. But only if the people that I've been with in the beginning were still with me.

Going into the city was a reckless move. I know. But then again, there's most likely a lot more supplies in the city, if everything has not been taken yet. I've looked inside almost six buildings and only managed to pick up two bottles of water and a small case of ibuprofen, which I guess is better than nothing.

Walking along the sidewalk, I managed to kill about five roamers. The only weapons I had on me were a small hunting knife that I've snatched up a while back and a small black handgun which only has like four bullets left so in this case, I'm going to stick to my knife until there is a real emergency. The only thing that's more shitter than the apocalypse, is being alone during the apocalypse. I mean, I had someone in the very beginning, but obviously something went wrong along the way. I don't even bother to keep track of what day it is. There's no point anymore. Keeping track of what time it was was somewhat easy.

In the middle of the road, was a flipped car with a roamer underneath it. I didn't see any bites, so I'm guessing it died from being crushed.

"Poor thing. Kind of sucks..dying like that," I say to it before sticking my knife through it's skull. I then hear a screeching sound coming from behind me. I turn around and the screeching tires of a big black car comes speeding at me, not even bothering to stop. I quickly pull out my handgun and fire it twice before I realized it's not stopping and take off running.

I run forward and take a sharp right, running to god knows where. I circle back around, only to feel a sharp pain on my right side and my vision going black.


I do not own any rights of the show, just my character and her storyline, possibly other characters with possibly other storylines to add into it, thanks.

I've always been lagging on writing a Daryl Dixon story because I've always wanted to write one but never had the time to but now I've made time and I'm hoping to stick to it.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the story!

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