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  "Ah, you're here!" Chairman Lee stands up and holds his arm out for a hand shake. Hae-Jin accepts the handshake. "You can sit down," Chairman Lee chuckles. She nods and sits. "May I ask why you asked me here?" She asks Chairman Lee. He smiles. "I would like to ask if you need a place to stay." She shakes her head. "Sir, I wouldn't want to trouble you..." he laughs. "I can give you a place in exchange for a favor." He says. She tilts her head in curiosity. "What would the favor be sir?"

  "Would you teach my grandsons how to not be arrogant brats?" He asked. "Chairman Lee!" Secretary Oh gasped. Hae-Jin chuckled. "Just how old are they sir?" Chairman Lee responded, "Early 20's." She gasped. "Sir, I don't think I'll be able to help much," she began. "but I'll try my best to get them to be better then they are now." She said determined. Chairman Lee chuckled.

  "Secretary Oh, take Miss, oh, what is your name?" Chairman Lee asked. She smiled. "Han Hae-Jin." Chairman Lee them said. "Secretary Oh, take miss Han to the Lee house." Secretary Oh nodded and escorted her and her belongings to the Lee House.

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