It's Time

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As we walked through the streets of Blackstone I could feel people giving me and my family looks of pity, like they knew what was going to happen. I held my head up and kept walking, but I could still feel people's eyes burning on my skin. Finally, we got to the palace and my mouth dropped to the ground. My mom elbowed me in the ribs "Close your mouth" She commanded. I quickly closed my mouth and stared at the palace. I could tell that Nicole was just as amazed as I was, but she was better at hiding it. I looked around and saw people coming that I knew for school. I smiled at my friend Isabella. She gave me a disgusted look. She was wearing a black mini skirt and a black tanktop, her blonde hair was pulled back into a high ponytail with a black bandana. I was shocked. I can't belive she would do something like that. She didn't dress girly. I noticed her parents were hiding behind her twin brother Derek, who was also wearing all black, but it was fine for a guy to do that. My parents gave her family a disapproving look. No one had ever thought that the sweet and quiet Isabella would do something like this.

        I pushed Isabella out of my mind and saw Jacob, the 2nd hottest guy in our grade (the 1st hottest was going to be exciled and everyone knew that, his name was Ian). He nodded my way and I smiled shyly, I heard my sister laugh "Oh Sylvie, everyone knows that you're going to be exciled, so leave Jacob for me." I looked at her and raised my eyebrows "How do you know that he'll stay here?" My mom and dad glared at me "shh.. the ceremony is about to start." My dad said. I glared straight back at them. 

        Dictator Roanan's body gaurds stepped out onto his ceremony patio closley followed by the secretary and Dictator Roanan. "Hello all, and welcome to the 457th annual excile." Everyone clapped nervously. He called the first name, "1st we'll have Miss Nicole Scar," I sighed, at least it wasn't me. Every year the Dictator does a draw to see who will go first. "Miss Scar I would like to present you with the job of my assistant secretary." Everyone gasped and Nicole smiled, now having one of the most important jobs she would be better than everyone except the Dictator and the current secretary. "Miss Scar you are now Mrs. Lake." She smirked at me and my heart dropped, Lake was Jacob's last name. I looked over at Jacob and he was smiling, he was happy! It was disgusting.  

        "Next," I heard Dictator Roanan's voice ringing out across the crowd. "We will be telling Mr. Lake his future." I closed my eyes so that I didn't have to look at the Dictator anymore, but sadly I could still hear. "you will be a doctor." Great! My sister has the best job and her new husband is a doctor 2nd best.  "Now Miss Isabella Jones" I held my breath, hoping for the best for my friend. "Miss Jones, You will be a Gaurd." I let my breath out. Gaurd was a great job, you didn't get paid, but your family gets to live in a house and get meals for free. If you wanted something else you just had to do extra work for money. The secretary went up and whispered something into the Dictator's ear. "Nevermind," he said to the crowd, "Miss Jones please make your way to the excile van." Her parents hid themselves behind Derek as people gave them looks of hatred. Everyone loved Isabella, well before today, now she dressed how she wanted to and lived how she wanted. Isabella walked toward the van with a straight face.

        "Well," Dictator Roanan said making evryone look back at him. "Next I would like to adress Miss Sylvie Scar" I gulped and felt my parents tense, they were scared that they would look like bad parents while I was scared of dying. "Miss Scar..." he was cut off as a knife hit one of the guards next to him. People were screaming and turning around to see who it was. It was Derek.  


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