BeingTyler Ch. 4

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Guess who's back back back, back again again again! Thisss bitch, sorry for the wait I'm only one Sunday off but at least I didn't weight three months like last time! This story finally hit 1k so thanks ya for reading but lets aim for more! Oh and thank you for your votes on the last chapter, it's a working progress but I think were starting to lift off with this book!

Anyway currently watching The Vampire Diaries while I write this, not that you care but now you know.


Chapter 4

"Did you bring me leftovers, Tyler?" I grit my teeth at the sound of Daniel Edwards voice on the other side of my locker, and irritably slam my locker in annoyance.

"Can you not? Say my name, aloud?" I turn in annoyance heading towards my first class...which he so happens to be in as well.

"You see, I would but I don't favor being called an asshat. It's not on my birth certificate." He pauses. "But you know what's on yours?"


"The name Tyler."

"Go away."

"Can't we're in the same class dumbass." That tips the iceburg.

"That is not on my birth certificate either!" I snap and turn sharply to face him. His lips are turned up in a smirk.

"Did I hit a nerve?"

"You hit a thousand fucking nerves! How about instead of interrogating me, you tell me why you were at my house!" His face drops and I know this time I hit a nerve or two.

"That's none of your fucking business."

"And neither is my birth name."

"Fine." And with that he turns in the opposite direction, even though we stand in front of our first period class. I roll my eyes and drag myself into class a second before the bell rings.


"You're Eliza right?" I jump halfway out of my skin and drop the stack of books I'd been balancing on my knee while organizing my locker.

"Oh shit," I squat to collect my things and the person whose masculine voice ran chills down my body, bends down to help me.

"Sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you." Warm words flutter in the open as we gather my things off the grown.

"No it's not your fault, I was completely zoned...out..." I pause glancing up. Not because this boy is gorgeous, which he is, but because he's staring. At me. "Is there something on my face?"

"No, you're just prettier in person." At this, I can feel my face flush and burn under sweet humiliation.

"Do you usually flatter girls that way?" I can't help but let my wittiness out to play.

He laughs. "Is it working?"

"You could work on a few things. Sneaking up on a girl usually is a turn off."

"Have I ruined all chances?"

"There can't be a chance if I don't know your name." It hasn't occurred to me that we are still squatting in front of the lockers, while students continue to walk to the cafeteria.

I stand up and he follows handing me the books he collected.

"Hunter." Hunter, blue eyes, blonde hair, six feet tall, and not an asshole.

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