Unexpected Visitor Pt 3|The Attack (Class 1A x Child Reader)

Start from the beginning

Aizawa's POV

As (Y/N) went back to sleep I sigh with relief knowing she should stay asleep for the rest of the night. It had caught me off guard when I was told she was sick and had a raging fever. My poor baby.

I was in and out of sleep for the rest of the night, checking on (Y/N) and making sure that her fever wasn't getting to high. She woke up around 6 and was sick once more as the fever rose. I gave her a cold bath to cool her off and once she was asleep again did I get ready to call in sick for the day.

Well that was the plan anyway. Turns out there was an important meeting all teachers needed to be there for. I called Nezu and explained the situation but he said my attendance was mandatory so there wasn't a way to me to get out of it. I sigh in annoyance before resorting to my last option.

I walk out to the common room where most of the students had already gathered. Yaoyorozu spots me a makes a beeline for me along with half of the other students.

"How is (Y/N) doing, Mr Aizawa" she asks.

"Yea is she ok sir" Midoryia asks.

"She's doing fine, although her fever and vomiting has yet to cease so she'll be in bed all day." I say as they nod in response.

"Aw the poor thing" Ashido says.

"She's tougher than she looks raccoon eyes" Bakugou replies.

"Will you be taking the day off to look after her Mr Aizawa" Iida asks.

"As much as I want to, unfortunately there I have a meeting that I cannot get out of today" I reply.

"So who will be looking after (Y/N) while everyone is gone" Uraraka asks. I look to the back of the group.

"Todoroki. Would you be willing to take care of (Y/N) for me today while I am at this meeting. As I said before she still has a bad fever and your ice would help cool her off when needed. You won't miss out on anything important in class I can assure you" I ask the boy.

"Yes sir, I would" he reply.

"Good. I'll have a chat with you in a moment, everyone else continue getting ready for school."

"Yes sir"

I pulled Todoroki aside, telling him when to give (Y/N) more medicine and to call me if she got worse. I didn't care how important this meeting was, if my daughter got worse nothing was keeping me from her.

I went back into my room, got ready and gave (Y/N) a kiss on her forehead before leaving for this meeting.

Your POV

You woke up feeling slightly better than last night. You were still hot and shivering but the pain in your tummy had gone away.

"Good to see your awake (Y/N)" you jump at the sudden voice but relax when you see Shoto sitting next to you on the bed.

"Where's daddy" you ask in a tired voice.

"He had a very important meeting he had to go to today but he'll be back soon promise" he said kindly, putting his right hand on your head and a sudden coolness rushed down your face.

"That should calm down your fever for a bit. Now how about I get you some lunch, you've been asleep all day so I presume your hungry" Shoto says. You nod while rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.

You slowly climb out of bed and took Shoto's hand as you both made your way to kitchen. He sat you at the table but as he was about to leave an ear piercing alarm sounded followed by an explosion at the front of the dorm house.

In seconds Shoto was standing in front of you protectively as you grabbed his leg in fear. What was happening, where was daddy.

"Well look what I've got here" the voice said and your eyes widen at the familiar voice. The voice that caused nightmares for so long. The voice of pain...

"Looks like I've stumbled across Eraserheads child again, and you haven't changed a bit" the villain smirked. You squeezed Shoto's leg tighter.

"(Y/N), have you seen this villain before" Shoto asks. You nod in fear as tears stream down your face. Moments of that day started flashing in your memory. The shops, buying dinner, laughing, smiling, a warm hand holding yours.

"It's him. . . He killed her. . .

"He killed mummy"

Cliffhanger.... The 4th and final part will be released soon. Time for the heroes to kick butt and prepare for a backstory of a tragic event. And before anyone crucifies me on the spelling 'mom'  in Australia its spelt with a U not an O. Anyway see you all in the next chapter.

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