I #GetToKnowMeChallenge

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Okay, I got tagged and honestly I'm totally inexperienced with this. I'm just gonna try.

1. Person that tagged me and creator: James_d0501n, thotsuki-bakahoe

2. Name: Liviel (It's not my real name but you can address me with it.)

3. Birthday: 14th of July

4. I can't answer this question.

5. Gender: I'm a female so the pronoun is she.

6. Favourite colour: Dark purple (I freaking love this colour!)

7. Top 3 bands: Hard question... Linkin Park, 5 Seconds Of Summer, Queen (Most of the time I listen to music by one artist somehow.)

8. First Fandom: I guess the first fandom I was really in was Marvel (mainly MCU but also X-Men).

9. Shows I like: Marvel's Agents of Shield and Good omens (I also bought the book but I haven't read it yet...)

10. Last person I texted: GayestGayOfAllGay

11. Person I'm closest to: Livara_379

12. Embarrassing secret: There are too many. One time when I was little I called my uncle dad.

13. Funny thing I did: I don't really know... In primary school my friend and I tried inventing knew jokes and a few months ago I found the booklet we wrote them down in. Actually they are really dumb but I just couldn't stop laughing about it.

14. Let's see if I know that many people here on Wattpad... (Of course you don't have to do it and I'm really sorry if you don't want to be tagged.)

I'm also sorry if my English is too bad. Usually I write and speak German so please forgive me.

Yours LivielFinarfiniel ☆

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