Chapter 2

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Ben woke up to the sound of what he presumed to be the shower running. He then sat up in the bed and looked around the room. He saw Jen's clothes as he fondly recalled the events of last night. But his mind quickly changed focus when he looked at the alarm clock that was next to the bed. It was already close to 10:30 in the morning. "Man am I hungry"  he thought to himself as he arose from the bed. It was then that Jen must have gotten out of the shower because he no longer heard it running. He then decided he would just sit back down on the bed and wait for Jen to get done in the restroom. 

A few minutes later Jen walked out of the restroom, and to Ben it appeared as though she was already ready for the day ahead of them. "Well good morning sleepy head" she teased at Ben. "How was your beauty rest?" "It was good" Ben responded as he stood up to make his way to the shower. "I am going to take a shower, and then I thought that we could go get something to eat." "Okay Ben, sounds good." Jen responded, before adding, "Just don't take forever." To which Ben responded, "Don't worry, I won't." "You know how quickly I get ready when I am about to go get food." "That is true, have a lovely shower." Jen teased him as he went into the restroom and turned on the shower. Jen then sat down as she thought of everything that had happened yesterday.

How Ben had looked at her like it was the first time seeing her, like he always did. With that same spark of love he always had in his eyes. Or how he held her tightly when they danced together for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Burnley. She then laughed as she remembered how he and John then did their own slow dance together. That is, if you could technically call what they did dancing at all. She loved the fact that Ben could be such a lovable goofball. She continued to let her mind wander when suddenly Ben appeared in front of her. He had his hand stretched out towards her as he asked her, "Are you ready to go?" She then grabbed his hand and stood up before answering him, "Why yes, yes I am." "Well then babe lets go, I am starving." Ben said as they made their way towards the door to their room and out into the hallway.

"When aren't you starving though?" Jen jokingly asked him, knowing what his response was. "When I am sleeping is the only time that I'm not starving." They then made their way down to the lobby and outside to get to his car. Once they got in the car Ben quickly got it started up and pulled out of the hotel parking lot as quickly as he could. Ben and Jen both kept their eyes peeled as they scanned the city around them as they looked for a place to eat. Jen suddenly saw a sign not to far away and quickly pointed it out to Ben. "Hey Ben there's a Denny's not to far ahead of us." Ben quickly checked to make sure he was in the clear and quickly turned to pull up into the Denny's parking lot. He then smartly remarked, "If it's Denny's my bride wants, it is Denny's she will get." Jen then rolled her eyes at Ben, and as she did he leaned over and pulled her into a passionate kiss. Once Jen pulled away from the kiss, they then both exited the car and headed into the restaurant. 

They quickly saw a booth and went to go sit down. Once they did, a waitress almost immediately made her way over to them. She introduced herself as she handed them both a menu. "Hi I'm Betsy, and I will be your server today." "Can I get you guys something to drink?" Ben thought for a quick second before asking for a cup of coffee, as did Jen. Betsy then went to go get the pot of coffee and was quickly back and pouring them cups of coffee. "I'll be back in a few minutes to take your order." Was all she said as she quickly made her way to another table. They both scanned the menu, none talking to the other as they both tried to decide what they wanted. Soon Betsy came over and took their orders, and then she took their menus and walked off. As she did she let them know that their food would be with them shortly. 

They then got to talking about the wedding yesterday as they waited for their food to come. And in a few minutes they had their food and ate and talked some more. Then about an hour later they had finished up their meal and Ben payed their bill and they left. They then walked out into the parking lot and headed towards Ben's car. Once inside the car, Ben headed off towards the hotel as they decided what to do for the rest of the day. 

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