Chapter Two

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The next morning, I woke at six fifteen. I walked into my closet. (Pictured above) After looking around for a few minutes I found the perfect outfit. A plain black tee, brown leather jacket, a grey beanie, and a pair of black boots. I curled my hair and did a simple, natural makeup look. I put on a simple silver bracelet with a snake charm on it. Before heading downstairs for breakfast.

When I got to the dining room, I saw my father was there eating. "Good Morning Father," I said, catching him off guard. "Good morning Sweetpea. What are you doing up this early?" He questioningly replied. "Mother is taking Nicki and I to Diagon Alley to get out Hogwarts supplies at nine." I simply replied well sitting down. Beesy, our house elf, quickly came in with my breakfast. "Thank you Beesy" I commented politely. "You are welcome Y/n."

My family was very different than other pureblood Slytherin families. We do not have a ton of house elves, we have Beesy. This makes us much more independent. Another thing that is different about us is we treat her like family, and we do not tolerate any abuse verbal or physical. Beesy because of this has become very literal and confident unlike other house elves.

Father and I talked about Hogwarts well finishing breakfast. When we were finished, I came up with a brilliant plan. Knowing my sister meant I knew she was not up yet. If she had been up we would have heard her stomping around and slamming doors. "Father, do you think you could help me wake Nicki up? We are supposed to be leaving in about an hour." He simply smiled and walked to the kitchen freezer. Then he grabbed a two ice cubes and put them in a cup. We quickly hurried up stairs and into my sister's room. We both grabbed an ice cube and put them down the back of her nightgown.

After a few seconds she was awake and screaming. Father and I burst out laughing. Mother and Beesy came running in. When they saw father and I laughing with a cup in between us they both looked relived. Nicki was clearly angry, trying to get mother to yell at me. This just caused her to laugh. Beesy left the room along with my father who had to get some things for work ready. "I am sure your sister was just trying to make sure you were up so you could get ready. I also think she might even help you with getting ready" Mother said well laughing.

I got up and asked Nicki if she wanted me to pick out her outfit well she did her hair and makeup. She agreed and we both walked in different directions. Once I got to her closet I pick a outfit similar to my own. Hers was a grey tee, a dark denim jacket, and a gray beanie. I could not find her black boots though. After walking into her bathroom I saw her black boots on the ground. "I was just looking for those." I commented as she just finished straightening her hair. I handed her the clothes and walked out.

Finding my favorite book I sat down to read. After about a half hour I heard mother call me from downstairs. I guess its time to go. I rushed downstairs said goodbye to father who was just packing the last of his things up. Mother grabbed the floo powder and all three of us girls piled in the fireplace. Mother dropped the powder as she said Diagon Alley.

We landed in a new fireplace. I brushed the dust off my outfit as I stepped out into the crowded streets. "It sure is busy" Nicki commented as out mother took our hands and lead us to a shop. We could tell she planned where we were going. After all we did give her our lists for supplies. She made sure she had the list she made so she had what both of us needed before stepping into the shop.

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