Start from the beginning

"Uh hi Ricky, I know I'm probably not the person you want to see right now seeing as we aren't close and all but I just wanted to say whatever is bothering you, I hope it gets better and I'm here for you." She bounced on the tips of her toes focusing her attention on her shoes as she waited for a reply.

She was more than surprised when instead of a verbal answer she was met with arms wrapping around her in a tight hug as if he was trying to keep her from leaving. Much like a boat depended on an anchor.

"Thank You." He whispered against her shoulder his hot breath fanning across her neck and causing her to involuntarily shiver at their close proximity.

"No problem, Bowen. But just so you know this is only a one time thing, I still hate you." She teased and surprisingly Ricky chuckled as he pulled back from their hug, his eyes warm as he looked down on her.

"Wouldn't expect any less, Caswell." He shot her a mock salute before he walked down the hall leaving her with a fuzzy feeling in her stomach.

"I really got to stop drinking soda for breakfast." Ember groaned to herself as she turned to walk to class.


"Woah you look like shit." Ember commented upon seeing her brother lying in bed, hair messy and eyes red. He didn't bother responding and her eyes softened as she realized something must have happened with Nini as he was never this down.

Taking a seat by him she placed a hand comfortingly on his back.

"What's wrong, J?" The nickname caused him to tear up even more as his emotions were on edge since the dreaded break up.

"She broke up with me. And it's all his fault."

Ember's brows furrowed in confusion and she removed her hand from her brother's back leaning lower to try and catch EJ's eyes.

"What? Who's fault?"

EJ grumbled and then shot up his head almost colliding with Ember's due to his frustration.

"Ricky's! If he hadn't sent Nini that voicemail I wouldn't have stolen her phone and she wouldn't have broken up with me." He ran a hand through his hair and Ember couldn't help but scoff in disbelief. He was really pinning his own actions on others.

"EJ do you even hear yourself? Because all I hear is you blaming others for something you clearly did. Whether Ricky sent her a voicemail or not, you had no right to snoop through her phone. Your lack of trust in Nini is what ruined your relationship, not Ricky."

Her words only seemed to anger her brother more as he turned to her with a scowl.

"Are you seriously defending him right now. Over your own brother." His voiced raised at the last words, hurt running through him. He was tired of that Ricky kid, first taking his girlfriend from him and now his own sister.

Ember felt her anger raise and she stood up, both siblings red in the face.

"Yes, I am. Because the man standing before me right now is not my brother. The EJ I knew would never blame someone for his actions, would never be dishonest, and certainly would not raise his voice at me."

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