To be Someone Like You

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I don't trust words

We toss that ball around

in the field we play

And, I know every aspect of the game now

I know what I need

I know what to expect

I know how to get what I want

Everybody's got their own tricks

Lies, flattery, false promises

Name it

Mine on the other hand are

truth, vulnerability and understanding

Risky offense and very weak defense

But indeed, very effective

I can spin my words like webs,

beautifully crafted to lure in my prey

Don't judge me

Everybody else does this

Been caught and left to die a bunch of times

But I always fix myself up,

Crawl right back and design my web better

I used to believe that every person is different

You have to get to know a person

Give him a chance,

and then you'll see something you'll like

There's tons of fish in the sea, they say

Well I've cast a whole net in

and what I've got all bite

So yeah all men are jerks

and I guess so am I


The catch was plentiful that day

You didn't really stand out

I was gonna cast you off

The minute you didn't respond

I was just being nice and playing along

Matching your energy

and mimicking your words

But I don't know,

you somehow reeled me in

The Songs You Love - A Spoken Word CollectionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя