Pretty Little Thing

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There was the pretty little thing, that we all used to think.

It used to be me, all dressed nicely.

But then life changes,

We all rearanged.

To something new, something fresh, something different,

I have to admit, I changed the most.

To what you fear, I've probably done.

Taken that sweet little thing across the flesh,

Leaving a tail of red chasing the lead.

Sometimes I thought I could stop,

other times I thougth It'd be okay,

But then I realized I'm fine,

Okay was what I'm not.

I'm not okay, but I am fine,

I sometimes wish that I could fly,

To wash away my fears my sorrows and my hate,

To feel the life like a happy person should.

The sweet line we took across teh flesh,

Would heal, but leave a nasty mess,

A perminant scar on the few layers it thrashed,

To leave a memory.

Every scar has a story, every scar

is a pretty little thing.

A memory, a story, a thought,


Those scars show the war you've been through with yourself.

They show who you are,

And how strong you can be to overcome it.

They make you,

A Pretty Little Thing

You are strong.

You are beautiful.

You are a pretty little thing,

You should forever fight your war

You should challenge it,

and win.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2012 ⏰

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