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(L/N) left her dorm, dressed in the school uniform and ready to head to class. As she walked through the campus, she still received many congratulations on winning nationals. As much as it hurt her, (L/N) would smile and thank them.

"Ushijima! Watch out!" The annoying voice of Tendo Satori called out.
Suddenly, (L/N) hit a brick wall. Except it wasn't a brick wall. It was the powerful ace for the boy's volleyball team, Ushijima Wakatoshi.
"My apologies." His voice was deep, and his apology sounded blunt.
"I should be the one apologizing for not paying attention! Sorry!" The girl said quickly. She had managed to trip over her own foot when running into the male. And I was a volleyball player? Such grace, (Y/N).
The male held his hand out. "Are you going to take it?"
(L/N) gripped his hand and was lifted off the floor. Literally. Ushijima had lifted her with one hand. Am I really that light?
"Thank you."

The two were about to go separate ways when Tendo stopped (L/N). "You look familiar."
All the former ace could do was shrug. "I have to get going. I don't want to be late for class." With that, she bowed and left.
"Weird, classes don't start for another 30 minutes." Tendo pointed out, "But anyways, Ushijima, breakfast?"

- - -

"(L/N) (Y/N)?"
The girl raised her hand, "Here."
She sat in her final class, English. It was probably her easiest class, due to the fact she had lived in the States for a bit before moving back to Japan.
The teacher went on to explaining the writing project they were to start after taking the rest of attendance.

"You will be assigned partners, and no you cannot switch." Names were called out in pairs. (L/N) sat patiently, doodling on the corner of her notebook, waiting for her name to be called.
"And finally, Ushijima Wakatoshi and (L/N) (F/N). These projects are due in two weeks. You guys can now join up with your partner and work."

(L/N) was about to stand and move near the star athlete when she saw him already making his way towards her. She sat back down and cleaned the table up a bit.
Ushijima placed his stuff on the table before taking a seat. He fumbled with the hems of his blazer before speaking, "What is this project about? I had blanked out, my apologies."
The girl waved him off and started to explain how they had to write a short story on the genre they pulled earlier. Except, it really wasn't a short story. The teacher wanted the story to be at least 20 pages long.
"What genre are we writing?"
"I pulled fantasy, what did you pull?" (L/N) read the slip of paper the male handed her. "Science fiction. Huh."

The two started to work on characters and a storyline for their project, but in all honesty it was (L/N) doing most of the work.

After the bell rang, the students cleared from the room. Ushijima had cleaned up slowly, only so he could follow the girl. He wasn't being a stalker, but he was intrigued by her. She was bouncing her leg the whole time and constantly looking at the clock. After she left, he had followed her to the gym.

"Is she in a sports club?"

Then he remembered that all clubs had practice off today but his own, though their practice wasn't until later that night.

"Ushijima, what are you doing?" Eita Semi, the boy's volleyball team's setter, asked. He and a few others had noticed their teammate just standing there and watching the gym doors.
"I was going to practice early."
"Oh. Well, mind if we join you?" Tendo asked, "Coach just cancelled practice. Probably to rest us up for a bit."
Ushijima nodded before opening the door.

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