Chapter 1

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You where a new wizard in Wizard City and of coarse Cyrus wasn't to happy about a new wizard coming to the schooling as well. Ambrose and the town was helping you around the place since you are still new and came from an unknown place that you never specified to anybody which makes you a mysterious character as well, but they all didn't question it much since that was a topic you personally didn't wanna talk about yet.

You questioned why the Death school wasn't there too but no one wanted to talk about that at all, all you did was sigh and left it at that cause of pressuring others wasn't the best thing to do. You soon went to the dorms since it was getting rather late too, since the tour took a long while to get started and just a little bit to end cause of the questions that where asked as well. You also bought some wallpapers and flooring to put on the walls and floor since it was rather boring and plain too and you never liked that all too much either, after putting up your favorite pair you went to bed since it was already 3:30 in the morning and you where even more hella tired cause of that which you kinda regretted in a way but not really since it was worth it in the end.

In the morning, you ended up being late since you overslept, Dalia Flamea came over and knocked aggressively at your door "Hey! Get up! You're way over due for class ~*mr/miss/buddy*~!!" she hissed some since she doesn't like late or tarty students for her class or for anybody's classes since it was a main priority to show for. You end up panicking since the fire professor scares ya a little bit too.

Once class was over you went to your dorm to go study up on your spells and which class to go with mainly since you are having a hard time doing so. It's hard to choose between the school of Fire, Myth, Death, Ice, Storm, Balance, and/or Life since you fancy all of them in a way but you can only choose one school to choose to learn the spells, but you researched up on each school to know what you'd be getting yourself into for that specific one too.

Once you're done with all of that you thought for a good few hours since you can't choose another once you choose your main school, but there is always a secondary school you can go with to accompany your chosen school as your main.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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