Chapter One

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My eyes land on the many bracelets that surround my arms, covering up the many cuts underneath them.Satisfied, I hide the razor behind the cabinet, making sure there is no sign of blood."Kids, dinner time!" Mom yells, her voice filling up the whole house.I tuck my hair behind my ears, before stepping onto the scale.I play with my fingers, as the numbers begin to decrease, waiting for the actual one to show up . Hopefully I had lost weight.


I groaned angrily lifting up my shirt, revealing my bare stomach.I looked through the long mirror to see nothing, but a few bones showing."Almost there"I whispered silently to myself.I put my shirt down before hopping off.I had to stop eating so much! I was startled, by a knock on the door."Skylnn, I have to pee!"

Nash screamed, banging on the door.I quickly opened it, revealing a tall teenage boy, hopping around uncontrollably.

"Thank you! I swear you were in there for an hour! What did you do, swallow a cow" He joked, but obviously I didn't find it funny."Haha, very funny Nash" I muttered in a low voice as usual, my eyes began to water.I turned around towards the stairs, running my hand slowly in the railing, before going down.I slowly walked into the dinning room where Hayes, dad, and mom sat laughing excitedly.

They all stopped once I came in."I'm not hungry tonight so, I'm just going to go on up to bed" I said slowly.I remember when I used to speak up louder. When I actually was brave. Those days are long over, due to some of the people we have in this world.
They made me open up my eyes and see the real me."But you never want to eat. Especially around us" Mom cried."I'm just not hungry" I muttered, looking at the ground. I can't tell them that I'm on a diet. They would just laugh at me."Your never hungry" Hayes points out."Well that's because after school I usually stop at Starbucks or something and get something to eat" I say, raising my voice, higher then I intended too.My parents looked shocked, but Hayes just stared at me curiously as if he was onto me.

Sighing, I run upstairs to my room.I shut the door only, for it to open once again. "Hay Sky, is this your's? " Nash asks, holding up a razor.I was speechless, wondering how he found it." it's not mines, probably Hayes.I've seen him with it before" I say quickly."Okay..."Nash says, as if I were some freak.I close the door this time locking it.I shut my bedroom light's off, and walk over to my bed, where I hop under the covers.I engulf into my covers, pulling out my phone, I logged on to my twitter."Let's see what else the haters have to say about me?" I mutter to myself, clicking onto my feed.

CamDxllxs: How come all the Grier children turned out amazingly good looking except one? #Skyisugly

MagconForeverLove: Skylnn needs to stop eating too much or else she is going to end up like this *Pic* cdfu #DefenitionofFATisSky

NashtyBaby: What are you doing here on earth? Kill yourself already!!! Pills, rope, Idgaf just do it quickly! No one wants to see your ugly ass face anymore! Your such an embarrassment to your family and everyone you know.Life would be better if you were gone @SkylnnGrierH #Killyourself!

There are days when I wished that I wasn't alive, and days that I wished that I was still four years old.At the time, I was just a little girl and had all the love in the world.Who knew, I would grow up to have such a terrible life? What was it that I'm doing wrong?I slowly cried myself to sleep.The words still stuck in my head.Maybe I just might give them what they want.We will both be happy in the end.I'll be free from this terrible place, and they will be happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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