Chapter 2: The Awakening

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I was cold....really cold.......
I slowly began opening my eyes just to be met with darkness. I felt scared, as I was worried that I was blind but then something got taken off of my face and I saw........ other kids? They were all about the same age as I was. I was really confused so I somehow managed to take my mask off without using my hands and asked, "Who are you?" One of them looked up, it was a girl who looked about 15-16 with black hair fading into magenta, and she snapped, "Why should I tell you?! You look like a freak and I don't talk to freaks!" "Hey, quiet down Marie! We don't want them to hurt us!!"
a boy, that looked 16-17 with red fading into green hair, said. He turned to me, "Sorry about her, she's a bitch. I'm Teniko!"he said sincerely. "Well I'm sorry I don't talk to-" "SHUT UP!" I felt the consistent moving stop and I lurched forward hitting my head on something hard that felt like metal. The next thing I felt was a substance running down my face and the next thing I knew, I blacked out.

EEHHHHHHHH!!!! Sorry for not posting earlier!!!! I was doing stuff and I explained it in another book of mine a, Jayfeather x Half-Moon story. I am also sorry for such a short chapter!!!I give an infinite amount of apologies and I'll try to update sooner!!! Anyways, see you later guys!
Peace ✌🏻

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