part 2

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      It had been a few days since you'd join the gang, and unfortunately no one seemed to be warming up to you; other then Bruno and Ghirga who seemed to treat you like a normal person. The rest of the gang only made contact with you if needed. You were all sitting at your table once again, while Bruno and Leone talked, they seemed to be the one's in charge.

        " Oi, Y/N you wanna help me with this? " the under educated boy asked you as he slid the paper Fugo had given him over to you. You smiled and nodded, Ghirga was your favourite, he reminded you of someone, and you took it upon yourself to make sure the crusty, blonde wearing green didn't yell at him for simple mistakes.
         " sure thing, lets see what you've got! "
     You picked up the paper and examined it, more math. What did you expect? While you corrected his paper for him, Mista and Giorno had started arguing. Why? You weren't to sure, you just assumed everyone disliked each other.
            They were both yelling in Italian, and you couldn't understand everything they were saying, but after listening to them for a while, you had learned that the blonde had told Mista to take a shower, and he had refused, apparently Mista couldn't tell her stank. Bruno sighed and then shook his head, telling both the boy's to shut up, since there was no need to argue about such a stupid thing.
                          He said if they didn't stop arguing he would put them in the turtle together until they made up,, whatever that meant.

You handed the paper back to Ghirga, and Fugo sighed, snatching the paper from the boy and looking over it.
     " You can't just keep having them do it for you! You'll remain a retard-" he snapped and then hit him on the head with his palm.
       You sighed and then looked at Bruno, you were still nervous to do anything without asking, so you politely asked him if you could order strawberry cake; he of course nodded and smiled, but to save you the trouble ordered it for you. You thanked him and then waited for it to come,, when it did, it certainly caught Mista's attention. He switched seats so he could sit by you.
        " Are you going to eat that?,, or can I have it? " he asked you. You giggled and then stabbed your fork into the cake and got a decent sized piece.
                      " say ' ah ' " you joked as you then made a 'newm' sound and gave Mista a piece of your cake slice. He was embarrassed, but hey, cake was cake.
          " Mista you're gonna let [her/him] treat you like that? Damn,, "
                                  " Shut up you blond fuck,, "
               " I will destroy you,, "
      Bruno narrowed his eyes, " that's enough, Fugo, stop trying to pick a fight with everyone "
                              You didn't know one simple thing would be caused the two to star bickering, but you shrugged if off and told Mista to open his mouth again so you could give him more cake.


Sorry this chapter is so short, it's just a filler until I have time to write more

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