I promise i'll keep you safe (Cptr. 2)

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My eyes flutter open, I survived the night! I look down at myself as I sit up. Nothing, i'm still the same ugly girl in my mind. Then I remember last night.

I remember Billie... sitting on my bed...teaching me how to play the guitar... shirtless... I shake my head. I can't think about that kinda stuff. I don't want that in my head all day. (Or do I?)

I jump up from my bed and throw on my black hoodie and keep my shorts on. My parents said the boys would stay for the day today as well. Before I walk out, I put on my eyeliner and mascara. Now i'm ready.

I jump down the stairs, skipping every few steps until I reach the ground.

"Heeeeey! There she is!" Trè said, putting his around me and dragging me over to the table where Billie and Mike sat at. The two boys were conversing about their band and how they were gonna be famous some day. I smiled as Mike and Billie waved me over.

"There the extraordinary girl is!" Billie said as I pulled up a chair next to him. His tone didn't match his words though.... He sounded sad. Now that I thought of it, Trè also sounded like this. I studied the boys faces... something happened.

"Uh, what's going on?" I said. Then I noticed... where were my parents?

It was dead silent for what seemed like ages.

"WELL?" I yelled a bit to loud, making everyone in the room jump.

"Your parents..." Mike started, "There're gone. I'm sorry." Mike was one of those people who always got to the point, he never sugarcoated it.

My eyes started watering... the lump in my throat grew bigger. I shook my head. This was all a bad dream!

"Yesterday, when they were coming home from the store... they got in a car crash... they... they didn't make it out." Trè said, now more sad than i've ever seen him.

This made me burst out crying. I put my forehead on the table and covered my head with my arms. This... this was like every cliche story out there... this had to be a dream. I can't be 16 and loose my parents! What would I do without them?!

I sobbed and sobbed, eyeliner streaming down my face. I didn't even bother to wipe it off. Then I felt a warm hand wrap around me.

Billie pulled me close into his chest and hugged me. The warmth from his chest soothed me, making me cry less. I wrapped my arms around him in return.

"It's ok... I.. I promise i'll keep you safe." He whispered in my ear, putting his head on mine. We sat like that for a while. I didn't care if Trè and Mike thought this was weird, Billie was the only one who could calm me down right now.

Billie started rocking back and forth slowly, humming a tune. This made me stop crying and smile. I closed my eyes as I sat back up. Billie took his napkin and wiped away my eyeliner and tears. I probably looked ugly but I didn't care.

"Your gonna be ok, ya'know. We will keep you safe." He said when my eyes met his. I could see Mike and Trè nod in agreement in the corner of my eye. I no longer felt that sad. Being near Billie and the other boys made me feel safe and sound.

"OK... with that said and done... who wants crĕps?!" Trè said, now behind me and Billie holding a huge plate of what seemed like ten crĕps. I didn't know how hungry I was until I saw the food.

I nodded and took three. I stuffed them down my throat in seconds as the boys laughed and ate at their own pace.

"How did everyone sleep... especially you, Billie, after I interrupted your makeout party?" Trè said, spitting food everywhere while laughing.

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