Ch.00: Prologue

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3rd POV

In a space where there is only clouds and blue sky, two figures can be seen sitting opposite of each other. One is an old man while the other is a young boy named Kurogane Riku.

Old man: Hello, child.

Riku: Who are you?

Old Man: I am God

Riku: So, I died huh?

God: Unfortunately, yes.

Riku: *Sigh*...

Riku let out a sigh as he had flashbacks of what happened earlier.


Riku was inside a store, still thinking which coffee he will pick today when suddenly a man came in with a gun in his hand pointing it at the cashier as he told her to put the money in the back. The cashier proceeded to put the money in the back as Riku let out a sigh watching the whole thing and he doesn't like this happen when he just want to spend the day peacfully. So what he did next, he walk towards the man as he grab a frying pan and tapped the man's shoulder and when turned around, the man was met with a hard metal frying pan to the face, so hard that it left a dent and the man was knocked unconscious. Riku then looked at the cashier.

Riku: You okay?

Cashier: Y-yes, thank you.

Riku: Don't mind it, call the cops and get this guy arrested.

The cashier nodded but as she was about to make a call, the man got up and pointed his gun at the cashier. Riku saw this and immediately tackled the man not noticing that he was shot two times in the chest. And once again, Riku hit the man with the frying pan much harder leaving a bigger dent and knocked the man unconcious probably enough until the cops arrived. Riku stood up and looked at the cashier who had a horrified look as she looked at the young boy. And thats when he felt the pain and looked where he was shot and his only responce was...

Riku: Oh...

Riku then fell down the floor as he slowly lose consciousness. He looked at the cashier who was kneeling by his side crying at her dying saviour as she was telling him to hold on. Riku smiled at this and his last words were...

Riku: It's okay

Then he died and when woke up, he found himself in space of clouds and blue sky with an old man sitting on the side and the rest is history.

Flashback end

Riku: I see

God: You're taking this rather well, aren't you?

Riku: Well, my parents not around anymore, I don't even have friends nor a lover, so its not like it matter if I died, and crying about is meaningless.

God: Hmm, the girl would probably missed you since you saved her life back there. If you were alive, you would probably have a future with her.

Riku raised his eyebrow as he looked at God.

Riku: Oh, do tell.

God: If you were to be alive, when you came back to the store, she asks if you and her could hang out sometimes to which you said yes. And ever since then, you two became friends, then lovers, then husband and wife. Your wife gave birth two daughters and the four of you lived happily ever after. Would that be enough?

Riku: Yes. Too bad, it won't happen since I died anyway.

God: And that is why, young man, I am giving you a second chance at life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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