"I'm Lilly," I giggle. My lips turn up the tiniest bit, something that I haven't truly done in a while. "Ah, shit! I actually need to go shopping right now. You kind of distracted me there."

"Do you need help?" He asks sweetly. "It wouldn't be any trouble. Besides, I'd like to get to know you"

I nod my head at him, happy that I made at least one friend.

Timeskip because writers block is bitch-slapping me across the face, and also because Lilly and Kaminari are currently buying approximately eight types of Lean Quisine and it's mildly terrifying.

I sigh in contentment, lugging the plastic bags full of unholy microwavable foods. Denki strides next to me, carrying several of his own. The sky is darkening, and I can see the faint twinkling of stars gleaming up above.

He turns to me. "So, what now?"

I shrug. "I'm not sure. What do you want to do?"

He taps his chin in contemplation for a moment before lighting up with an idea. "We could go to the night market nearby. There's a stall there that sells great apple tarts, and I think you'd like it."

I nod my head. "Sure, why not? Let's get going!"

We walk down the bustling streets at a slow but steady pace, giving me time to stare at my surroundings. Evening has changed the city into a completely different place. Voices seem to be amplified and yet softened at the same time, like if someone put a speaker on maximum volume but pushed you underwater. In a way, it seems as if Kaminari and I are in our own little world, one made for just the two of us. My heart beats loudly in my chest as a sense of wonder overtakes me. I'm not sure what it is about this moment, but I have a feeling that I'm going to remember this for a very long time.

Another unnecessary timeskip

The market is a blur of light and noise, and radiates a warm and pleasing aura that draws me in like a moth to a flame. My companion grasps my hand and pulls me forward eagerly, ignoring my surprised shout.

"This way!" He exclaims, pulling me over to an especially brightly colored stand. The woman at the counter smiles brightly at us.

"Why hello there Kaminari-kun. Would you care for some apple tarts?" She chirps.

"I'd like two of them please. One for my friend and one for me," he says jovially. My stomach rumbles in agreement, just as enthusiastic as I am. I haven't had good food in a day, which, to me, is a very long time to be without delicious edibles. What can I say? I'm a sucker for fine dining.

The cashier giggles, seemingly amused by my silent eagerness. "Okay then. That'll be $8.23. Would you like to pay with cash or credit?"

"I'll pay this time, and I think that I'm going to use my credit card," I state, taking it out and holding it out in front of me.

She nods, taking it from me and putting it in a scanner. In a few seconds, the machine beeps and I take it back, along with the goods that she had bagged while we were waiting for the aforementioned sound. "Have a nice evening!" The woman chirps.

I snatch up Denki's hand in mine and drag him off to find a bench to sit on.

The two of us rush through the bustling street, bumping into quite a few passer-byes in the process. A part of me knows that it's rude, but I'm too focused on locating a place where I can eat to care. Besides, it's crowded. You have to expect to knock into a few people.

Before we know it, we spot an obnoxiously green bench next to a roughed up trailer. The crowd is much thinner in that area so we won't have anyone stepping on our toes while we snack, and the light from the surrounding stores is just bright enough to be able to see each other. Overall, it's the perfect spot to munch on a sweet treat.

We sit down, shuffling around to make ourselves comfortable. I reach into the bag and pull out the pastries, handing one over to Kaminari and keeping the other for myself. My teeth sink down on it, and my mouth is Immediately flooded with an incredible assortment of flavors and textures. The crust is flaky and crispy on the outside, but once you get past the surface it becomes almost cloud-like. The filling, on the other hand, is the perfect combination of sweet and bitter. The longer you chew, the more the different components seem to dance on your tongue. It's almost like the way my quirk makes me feel. The unique emotions packed in every song are almost like their own combination of ingredients. My eyes close in bliss as I swallow. I never knew that a single snack could be this complex and well crafted. That's anime food for you I guess. What else did I expect?

"You're really enjoying it, aren't you?" I hear someone muse. I stiffen up before looking over to find Denki staring at me with a cheshire smile plastered on his face. For a moment, I had genuinely forgotten about his existence.

I nod vigorously. "Indeed. This is the best food I've ever had, and that's saying something."

He laughs, placing a hand on my shoulder. "If you get that worked up over a tart, I can't wait to see what your reaction'll be to Lunch Rush's food. He makes the best lunch you'll ever eat."

I hate to admit it, but he's right. If this is average food, then I can't even imagine what my response to the five star version will be like. Judging by my previous reaction, I'll probably be rolling on the floor in extacy.

"I'll be looking forward to it," I drone sarcastically.

"You and me both."

"Don't test me."

"I might even record it."

I lean back on my seat, tilting my head upward. "I digress. Just don't record me. I'm not the least bit photogenic."

He laughs heartily, copying my previous movements. "I don't know. I just might, since your reactions are too good to miss," he teases. I lightly punch him on the shoulder, though I know that he's just messing around.

"You sir, are quite the comedian."

"I try my best, madam."

We maintain a comfortable silence for a few minutes, both of us letting the clacking of feet and soft murmur of voices fill our ears, before I speak up.

"Thanks for taking me here this evening. It was the most fun I've had in an incredibly long time," I mutter. Denki looks over at me like I've just said something absolutely atrocious, which is a bit of an overreaction. Sure, it's a pretty depressing fact, but it's not unbelievable. I guess that it might be a bit insane to a sprightly and fun loving guy like Denki though. He wouldn't know what depression was if it slapped him across the face.
To my surprise, he doesn't stare at me for very long, and instead clenches his fist and stares at me with determination. "Well then, I guess I'll just have to take you to some other fun places! I can't have you being depressed, now can I? That would be unjust."

My eyes widen in surprise, not expecting this response from him at all. People aren't usually this considerate, so hearing words like this are certainly a shock. "I- uh- wow. Yes. That's be great. That is, unless you don't want to. Oh, but I'm not assuming that you're lying or anything. I'm just saying that if you-," I am cut off by a finger to my lips.

"Stop. You're overthinking this. Just accept what you've been offered and move on," Kaminari sighs playfully.

The silence returns for a moment.

"Hey Denki?"


"I'd love to."

After months and months of waiting, my writers block has lifted and I was finally able to post a new chapter. It was a bit rushed, but I hope you liked it. Have a lovely day!

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