Begginers luck

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(Your POV) (Gideon Meat Plant)
I wake up with that same aching all over my body. Fuck me... I think to myself and slowly open my eyes, I find myself in a basement of some sort? The air feels still, with an unsettling cold. The eerie silence is broken by my soft footsteps on the cracked and blood spattered pavement. Ew.. this is fucking disgusting.. where am I?? Is this the trial Claudette was talking about? I saw the black smoke around her too, she must be here with me as well. I need to find her, or somebody at least. Or those generators she was talking about so I can leave this damn place.. with that your heart starts beating, adrenaline slowly building up, you feel your body cover with goosebumps. This has to be the killer. You look to your left and spot a red locker. Let's hope to god this isn't locked or a trap you think to yourself and quickly get into the locker, peering out you see a hooded figure flash by with astonishing speed. The fuck??? How am I supposed to get away from THAT? Claudette described these killers like monsters, horrible beings, the images in your mind raced from the most horrible creature you could think of but from the looks of it, it seemed not that bad, assuming it was a male based on the height and structure he looked pretty average. I mean, besides the forever smiling mask and the knife. Okay.. You can do this (Y/N). The heartbeat went away as quickly as it came, assuming you were safe you carefully stepped out of the comforting locker and back out in the open.

You walk around the corner and notice some stairs, you run towards it and up, looking around your surroundings trying to find a generator Claudette was talking about, hearing machinery, you slowly walk towards it. With luck on your side, it was Claudette concentrating on this... uh, generator. Again, what you imagined in your head was far different from what it actually was, but that didn't matter now. Running up, Claudette whips her head in your direction and her face instantly lights up. "(Y/N)! Help me with this generator I'll teach you how to fix it. Have you seen the killer yet?" Crouching down besides Claudette, you frown remembering the masked killer you saw before. "Uh yeah.. he had this.. white smiling mask.. with dried blood, it's everywhere.. my god.. and a hoodie with a pretty big knife." You gulped, thinking about how he was actually trying to kill you guys, and your task was to survive it, it made no sense, what sick thing would feed off of this 'entertainment'. "Oh fuck.. that's The Legion.. one of the fastest killers.. shit." Claudette muttered. "What?! There's more?" You practically yelled "Shush! He will hear us and we'll be dead meat. Yes, there's much more. Now just pay attention to what I tell you. You need to connect these wires." She said pulling two wires together carefully "you need to pay attention though, you connect the wrong wires and the generator will explode, alerting the killer. It's okay if you mess up though, you're new so no one expects you to be perfect. Just slowly walk away and hide if you think the killer is coming for you, they will search the area and leave after awhile." Claudette said so nonchalantly. You stared at her with wide eyes, taking in all this information. It was so stressing this was all happening at once, but you had no choice to adapt quickly, or possibly die. You go on your own side and start connecting wires, a loud male cry rings throughout the map "what the fuck?" You whisper yelled at Claudette. Someone was injured, you don't know why but you just knew it. "Fuck he's already on someone, they are going to go down soon, The Legion is too fast. Let's finish up this gen." Claudette said, and just as she said that another male scream rang through and you had another feeling, that same survivor was down. You still had no idea how you knew but you did. Shortly after you and Claudette finish the generator, it gave off a satisfied noise and lit up. Lighting up the surrounding concrete. And just as that finished, another scream pierced the air, but this time a red figure was down below, hanging off something.. "what happened?" You worriedly commented. "They got hooked. We need to save him before he goes into struggle, if we're too late if they get hooked again they die. If we make it, he can get hooked one more time without dying, the next one will kill them instantly." Claudette said with a distant and cold tone. "Go and look for another generator to work on, I'll go save him." And with that she ran towards the stairs. Looking at her one more time before she disappears, you head in the opposite direction, searching the area. Your eyes land on a generator, as you heard Claudettes cry, you knew it was her by her voice. 5 seconds later, the other survivor on the hook gets pulled off, and as soon as they are Claudette falls. Goddamit.. fuck, I hope you're okay, if no one will save you I'll risk my life for it. You tell yourself mentally, you walk into a room with a single generator next to a set of stairs that lead up to this balcony that drops down of some sort.

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