Hot guys and accidents

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After dropping my brother off I had only ten minutes left to get to school,I rushed down the street towards my school praying that I won't be late on my first day.

  I spot an open parking space and rush towards it but some idiot overtakes me and steals the spot making me shout profanities lucky for everyone else my car was sound proof.

   Finally I found a parking space and took a deep breath before grabbing my backpack and getting out of my car, I then I started my journey towards the building entrance, but as I draw closer to the building I remember I don't know my way around, so I start assessing people around to see if I should ask for directions that's when I  spot a girl with platinum blonde hair, blue eyes and  tanned skin
        So I decided to take my chances and hope she also wasn't new, I continued walking till I directly in front of her and used my most cheerful tone to say
   "Hi I'm Teresa I'm new here and I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the office?" Ughh being nice is so exhausting
   "Sure no problem I'll walk you there"she said and let me tell you for someone who is awake by this time of the morning she sounded to happy, it was just bloody 8:00am
   " I'm Jasmine by the way" she said
  "Thanks Jasmine"  I said inwardly happy I won't have to suffer on my first day
     After Jasmine had so kindly taken me to the front desk to get my schedule she left saying she needed to go to class and then she waved at me

     I think I just made a new friend but then again maybe she was being helpful, well anyways now my mission is to find my out where my class is.


      Immediately she says that the bell goes off and she waves me good by I wonder to my self as i walk down the school hallway to get to the registers for my schedule I think I just made a new friend
   umm no just because she talked to you doesn't mean she's a friend my voice of reason says and I mentally scold my self I must have been too deep into thoughts because by the time I realised what was going on I was on the floor with my butt land first and I had to bite my lips to prevent shouting curses
    I look up to find jade green eyes staring at me with concern, oh my gosh its a guy oh no I swear once I get up I'm going to take away his chances of giving birth,he had brown hair and a perfectly defined jaw his body was tanned and muscular I have no doubt he gyms everyday, I mentally scolded my self for checking out a guy that almost killed me
when I come back to my senses I see an arm out strechted in front of me I gladly take it and come face to face with my hater
"sorry about that I wasn't looking were I was going"he said
"that's okay but next time I see you you better say your last prayers bitch"I say and storm off

" way to be a bitch on your first dat Tess"  my voice of reason says and scoffs

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