Its not only you

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It's not only who has to put in effort.
Any relationship takes two.
Not only you.
If your partner doesn't Putin effort well...
Bye bye see you around.
It's not the only fish in the sea.
And well you deserve better.
You just can't always be the one to work.
Yea if you say bye it's gonna hurt.
But only for a while.
You deserve better.
If your partner really love you,
Then they would do any thing for you.
Meaning that our relationship would flow faster and easier.
Either way that person has brought you pain.
So tag along with a constant reminder that maybe you weren't good enough?
You shouldn't.
You should know you are better than that.
Leave, walk away start again.
Find something new.
Something for you.
A worthy person who won't hurt you in any way.

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