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Veronica pov

So we went to the doctor and apparently the baby is okey. I have to take some vitamins but I'm fine with it. Jug is so happy that we will have a baby. The only problem is what will happen when my dad finds out that I'm pregnant.

" Babe get up. We have school. Did you forget? Mom is taking care of Sofia. C'mon." I yell from downstairs.  " I'm coming in a moment baby. Don't yell...God, don't upset a pregnant woman." No he didn't say that.

"I heard that."  I yell again. "Sorry baby."

After we got to school we tell the news to the others. 

" That explains why you were so moody." Says Cheryl. "Oh or why she start to eat much." Says Kevin ..."Hey guys don't be mean to her."  " Thanks Bee." I say and I give her a hug.

" Hey. How's the baby?" Archie asks.  "The baby is ok ,but Veronica is on vitamins."   "Yeah ,true. I have to take them." "Well that sucks. " Says Archie. "Watch your mouth you Ginger Judas." Says Toni. "That's my girl. " Says Cheryl and she kissed Toni. "Okk..enough with all this shit. We have to go to classroom before the teacher." Says Archie.

"Wow you do really have a brain and sometimes you use it, but most of the time you not. " Says Cheryl and we all start laughing. "That was so good babe. I'm proud of ya". Says Toni still laughing. "That was mean." Says Archie looking at us. "Enough. Let's go already." I say and we all go to class.

After we got home my mom left. "Sofia is sleeping what do you wanna do?" My lovely boyfriend asks me.

"Well can we watch a movie ? I'm a bit tired."   "Of course baby. Anything for you." I jump on him and kiss him. 

"I love you."   "I love you more babygirl."  He kissed my forehead. "Come on. Let's watch a movie." He takes me up bridalstyle and we go to our room.

"Can you believe we are together for 5 months ?" I ask him smiling. "Well yes. Can you believe you are 2 months pregnant ?"   "Well no. I can't believe it. I still think it's a beautiful dream. And I don't want to wake up." I look at him.

"Well it's not a dream baby. It's real life." I make a sad face. "What's wrong baby ?"   "I think about my father when he ...."   "Finds out?"  I nod my head. "Don't worry. I'm here for you. You know that."   "I know. Thank you Jug."  I give him a short kiss. "No need to thank me. But you can kiss me again if you want."  Well what can I say it's that we didn't watch the movie anymore.

I know I don't have an excuse that I didn't update in ages. I didn't have any inspiration and I got a job. This book is 1 today. It's a year since I wrote the first chapter. If someone still read this book, I wanna say thank you for reading and Merry Xmas. 💖💖💖

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2019 ⏰

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