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~Beyla's POV~

Mr. Hemmings led me out of the bedroom he'd showed me into and I followed him back down the stairs, my black heels clicking against the marble steps. First, he showed me the large living room, which had dark wood floors and stark white walls with pieces of art hung on them above the couches.

The leather couches were large and spacious, looking rather comfy and inviting with the dark blue pillows on either end. There was a glass square shaped coffee table in the middle of the room, between the two couches, and it sat atop a fluffy gray rug. Across from the couch against the wall was the entertainment center, which consisted of a large flatscreen TV that was sat upon a light brown TV stand that had little glass cabinets with different movies inside. I looked around and quietly trailed behind him into the kitchen, which was shockingly large. Then again, I shouldn't have been surprised by that because his house in general was a mansion, practically. It was expected that his kitchen be nice, wasn't it?

"Kira should be here tomorrow, by the way, so don't be alarmed when you see her." Mr. Hemmings suddenly remarked after he had finished showing me around the entire house, leading me back up the stairs. I cocked my head to the side and my dark hair fell over my shoulder. "Kira?" I echoed in confusion, unsure who he was talking about. As far as I could remember, he hadn't mentioned anyone named Kira. In fact, he hadn't mentioned anyone else living here with him at all, actually.

"Yes." He said, stopping in front of my open bedroom door. "My girlfriend. She lives here with me." He stated, catching me off guard.

I blinked in surprise and stared at him for a moment, completely quiet. I hadn't known about that. "Oh. Okay." I said simply, nodding my head in understanding. There wasn't really anything else more for me to say on the matter, but I was sure that he could probably tell I was taken aback. Hopefully he didn't think I was being disrespectful for reacting the way that I had, and hopefully Kira was a nice girl. Mr. Hemmings seemed like a rather strict man, just based off of first impressions, so I was sure that it would probably be fine. "May I know when she'll be arriving?" I asked politely, trying to not ask too many questions. I was just curious.

"Around five PM." He answered, crossing his arms over his chest as he studied me closely. I gave another quick nod of my head and, at first, I tried to hold his gaze because I felt like I had to. When someone looked me in the eye, I wasn't sure why, but I always felt like I wasn't allowed to look away. But his gaze was too intense for me, too blue for me to be able to stand. So I looked away after maybe ten seconds, breaking our eye contact to instead look down at the floor. "I think I should start to unpack my things." I mentioned, quickly slipping past him and into my new bedroom. I'd said that with the hopes that he'd get the hint and go do whatever it is that he does so I could unpack my clothes and get myself set up, but he didn't.

Instead, he just stood there by the bedroom door and quietly watched me while I unzipped one of the bags that was on my bed.

"Ms. Verdine?" He said suddenly, the use of my name causing me to stop and look over at him. "Yes, sir?" I asked, half expecting him to ask me to do something for him. However, he just looked at me for a moment longer. "I forgot to tell you that I work from home, usually in my office. When I'm in there, I'm not to be disturbed. Understand?" He said, looking down at me as I sat on my knees by my bed, level with my suitcases. I nodded my head and stood up off of the floor, rising to my full height, which wasn't very impressive. "Yes, sir." I responded with a smile.

He eyed me a little bit more and I stood there awkwardly as he did so, wishing he would leave and yet unable to directly say so. This man was my boss. I couldn't tell him to go away, especially in his own home. Not only that, but it would be a very bad idea for me to screw this all up before I've even started a day actually working. Thankfully, he turned around after a moment and then disappeared down the hallway, leaving me alone in my new bedroom. I couldn't help but to sigh in relief as I turned around to my open suitcase on the bed, finally able to relax a little bit now that I was by myself and didn't have to worry about being professional in front of him.

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