New beginnings

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(No ones POV)
The sun shines brightly on the glistening snow that had fallen on the ground from the previous nights. The golden light peaks through your gray curtains and a small stream of light falls perfectly on your face, annoyingly waking you up from your warm and comfortable slumber. You groan in annoyance and flip around, covering your head with your (F/C) blanket. Knowing you must get up to start baking for your family, you stick your hand out towards your nightstand to grab your phone. Retreating the item back under the blankets you turn it on and check the time. 2:37 pm.. wait 2:37???? Your heart skips a beat and you immediately get up pushing the warm covers off your body, you already fucked up and you just got up. You needed to leave at 5 to your grandparents and you haven't made ANY baked sweets, being the baker of the family it was always your job. But this morning felt... different, maybe it was the Christmas Eve spirit.. no.. it was different, a bad kind of different. You shook this feeling off as it was probably because you were running so late. You quickly got ready and headed to the kitchen to prepare for the next day.

(Time skip because I'm already lazy)
You just finished all the sweets.. thank god! Packing your overnight bag you grab your bag of gifts and baked goods, slinging your backpack over your shoulders, you head out of your small apartment, locking it behind you. Sadly, you could only afford your apartment with your job so you had no car, walking it is then! Checking the time on your phone it read.. 5:48, fuck!!!! You run out the door and down the street, knowing it's going to be a longgg walk. Your grandparents lived just out of town, away from the city and all the people. You walked to the nearest bus stop and waited patiently. The dread kept bubbling at the bottom of your chest, you knew it was going to be a good day. So why were you feeling like this?? After awhile the bus came and you boarded on, after about 45 minutes of riding the bus gets to its last stop at the end of town, you got off the bus but not without wishing the bus driver a merry Christmas and thanking them. You always loved where your grandparents lived, away from the city, in the woods. But this time the woods were unsettling, the sun was already almost down and it was getting dark. Knowing you had atleast 20 minutes of walking, you started your journey. You kept hearing.. whispering from the woods? You shrugged it off as the wind, but they kept getting louder.. to the point where you could almost make out the words... you stopped, looking in the pitch Black Forest "uhm hello?? Anyone there?" No response, to lighten the mood you make a little joke "hey if you don't kill me or scare me to death you can have some of these cookies I made, they won't eat them all anyways." You said, mentally facepalming for your immaturity.. no one is there, obviously. But this.. presence almost made you feel like there was someone there. You take a couple steps off the trail, "heeellllllllooooooo?" You go to look back at the trail to step back on but it was gone? There was no trail, no road, somehow you were in the middle of the forest. Your eyes scanned the area quickly, heart racing so fast you thought it would explode, how was that even possible? You could've sworn on your life the trail was only a foot or two behind you, but now it looked like you were in the middle of the forest.
"Hello???? Fuck.. fuck fuck fuck fuck. Fuck.. FUCK" panic started to set In realizing your situation, this was the dread you were feeling all day, you just knew it. "Fuck. HELP!!! Someone please! I'm lost!!" You screamed, you heard a twig break and your head snaps in the direction. "Hello??" Then all of a sudden your entire world goes black.

You soon gain consciousness, the first thing you notice is your aching body, wanting to open your eyes but the pain makes them glued shut. You hear a.. campfire? And a small chatter of voices. The curiosity burns at you so you slowly open your eyes, adjusting to the dark night and the bright fire to the left of you, you try to focus on the figure in front of you. Maybe someone saw you and helped you out? It looked like a women with glasses.. she had a worried, yet warming smile. You noticed there was other people too, quite a few of them in fact, but you payed attention to the lady in front of you.. "where am I?" You breathed out. The older women looks at you and sighs quietly "I don't know exactly, all I do know is we are stuck. All of us" she motions towards the other figures "and we need to survive the trials against these... uhm.. killers" before you could say anything she beat you to it "I know! I know, this sounds bad, unrealistic even. But it's the truth. We are survivors, we get pulled into trials and have to survive the killers.. the one who brought you here is the entity, it randomly picks victims and they end up here.. it feeds off of our fear, our exhaustion, our hope, everything. We are just pawns in it's sick little game." She finishes, you look at her with wide eyes, trying to take it all in. "Trials?.. what trials?" You asked wearily, upon this your chest began to glow and a dark, cold mist formed at your feat and was slowly making its way up your body, the same happened to the women In front of you. Her entire demeanor changed upon this. "We dont have much time now, I'm Claudette. If you're injured, try to find me, I can heal you quickly. There are 5 generators you need to fix so you power the door and you can open it and leave. The trial consists of you and 3 more people, if you meet the other people in the match they can fill you in on everything I don't have time for right now, good luck, and don't die." With that, everything went black again.

(Authors notes: hey!!!! This is my first story ever! I'm super excited!! Next chapter is going to be the trial and more, I hope you guys enjoy it! :) I'm sorry about any spelling/grammar errors)

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