Accidentally injured

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Celia sat quietly watching Geralt, on Roach's back she sat where he told her to stay. But the monster he was battling with was strong and her magic was almost bubbling to the surface. Celia heard what sounded like a cry of pain from Geralt. She slid off Roach's back and walked towards the sound her bow at the ready, she spun around and let an arrow fly, she heard it someone.  Celia waited as she grabbed another arrow she saw something step from the darkness. Her eyes widened when Geralt stepped out.
"Fuck. Geralt." She dropped her bow as she ran to him. He looked at her, an arrow sticking out of his chest.
"Please, please don't die."
"Celia calm down. I will be fine.  Come on look at me."
"But Geralt I hurt you."
" it was nothing more than an accident."
"My arrow tips are dipped in poison."
"Fuck. Get my pack."
"Ok." She turned and rushed to grab his pack. She ran back and dropped down and gave him his pack. He pulled a bottle from it.
"Pull the arrow out."
Celia grabbed the arrow and pulled it out, eliciting a sound that she knew was for pain from Geralt. He opened the small bottle drank some of it.
"Pour the rest on the wound. Poison doesnt bother me but you seemed scared so better safe than anything alright?"
"Yeah. Now I have hurt you."
"Celia it was an accident nothing more."
"Your going to be ok?"
"Yes, it will hurt for a while but yes I will be fine."
Celia never thought she would end up hurting him. She stood and moved to toward Roach, she put Geralt's sword back and turned to Geralt.
"Do you need help up? "
"No I'm fine." Geralt answered her, he stood but stumbled momentarily, Celia reached out for him.
"Are you sure your ok?" She asked him. She wasnt sure it was her arrow that caused the problem. She found him something to sit back down on and proceeded to get his leather shirt off and looked him over, besides where the arrow had pierced his shoulder she checked his back and found a huge gash across his back.
"What else do you have in your pack, whatever that was you went after got you."
"Celia when I was created I was given so many poisions that I am immune to them."
"Then explain how come you can barely stand?"
"I can't, just I feel strange. Would you feel better if we find a place to camp and I rest?"
"Yes., you've nearly lost me a few times. I can't lose you."
"Alright, help me back up and we will find somewhere to make camp and I will rest."
"Thank you." She answered, she helped him put back on his leather shirt and helped him to his feet, he was slightly steadier than he was the first time, he climbed up onto Roach and reached down for Celia.
"Let me put the pack back on." She told him. Once she had done that, Geralt reached down for her and pulled her up, she saw him wince in pain. He may heal good but things still hurt. Celia reached for the reins and urged Roach forward.
"I can do that."
"Its fine m. Just rest." She told him. She knew from what she had seen over time he was stubborn and as such barely told anyone if he was hurting. She knew he was hurting because so was she. The pain was intense but she kept it at bay to stay upright on the horse. She would not pass out no matter what.
"Would you lie to me if I had asked how much you hurt."
"Somewhat why?"
"I feel your pain remember?"
"I do now. Yes Celia it hurts. But I don't feel as weak as before so it is getting better."
"Or I am taking the pain. Which I am hoping is not the case."
"Me too. Come on let's find a place to rest."
"If you are feeling up to it we can continue the ride."
"We can." He answered her. Celia nodded and looked a head at the road before them.

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