What Life Do You Choose? (Part 2)

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"Eiko's boyfriend,Tsukasa has been sending me a lot of texts recently.His days and nights are reversed due to his work,so he often sends me a "good morning" late at night."Makoto said.

"Do you think he likes you?"Akira asked.

"I'm not sure.But I'd definitely tell Eiko if he asked me on a date.But for now things are generally pretty normal.Mostly messages like "how'your bf?" and "hope u had a gr8 day 2day."Do you really think their relationship could actually be serious?Was I just biased to think that all he wants from Eiko is her money?"Makoto asked.

"Probably a little."Akira said.

"I mean,it does sound like a TV show.A lying host that tricks women into debt,then forces them to sell their bodies.But...those kinds of things exist in reality as well.Immoral hosts,human trafficking rings.My father even mentioned to me about gangs of men that look specifically for depressed women in Shinjuku.They take advantage of the loneliness those girls feel to force them into horribly abusive situations.Then after ensuring the girls are buried in crippling debt,they make them sell their bodies to pay it off.There are orher ways they force girls into it as well.Blackmail,illegal immigration.There are countless victims of schemes like that.Countless gangs as well.My father was going after a particularly notorious one when...In the course of his investigation,he was hit by an errant truck.The impact killed him instantly.At first it was thought to be an accident but at the funeral,I overheard my father's supervisor speaking with my sister.He was saying my father had likely been assassinated.They suspected that the gang he was investigating hired the driver."Makoto said.

"Who was their leader?"Akira asked.

"I don't know.The driver died on impact as well.But apparently they found drugs in his bloodstream.Either way,that gang has been pushed back into the shadows thanks to the Shinjuku clean up operation.I'm not sure any of that would have happened if not for the incident with my father."Makoto said.

"He was a noble man."Akira said.

"He truly was,wasn't he?I wish I could be a little more like him myself.Instead,I've just been hesitant.That's actually why my sister became a prosecutor to begin with.She couldn't stand by and watch as evil prevailed over justice.That passion undoubtedly came from our father.Our mother passed away many years back,so when father was killed,we had to survive on our own.The responsibility...the pressure of that fell on my sister.Because of that,she can't help but talk down on our father at times.She says death is no different than surrender.But...I still look up to him.I was often lonely because of how much time he spent at work.But seeing him tirelessly pursue 1 case after the next was nothing short of incredible.That was how my father chose to live his life.Trying to bring justice and order to the world around him."Makoto said.

"That's admirable."Akira said.

"Yeah.Come to think of it,there was something he used to say to me all the time."The most important part of your life is how you choose to live it."Hm...How have I chosen to live?And more importantly,how do I want to live?"Makoto asked.

"You can figure that out now."Akira said.

"Now?You're right.I can still change my path going forward.To be honest,I've been determined to follow the path my sister laid for me.After my father's death,I wanted to lighten the burden on her ad much as I possibly could.O-Oh we were supposed to be talking about Eiko here.Sorry for going so off topic.You know,I've never actually talked to anyone about my father.It's such a painful memory to look back on.But I feel comfortable discussing it with you.And beyond that,I think I understand my life a bit better now.So...thank you."

"Don't mention it."Akira said and then Makoto's phone beeps.

"Oh it's Eiko....gloating again."Mayb I'll like,skip college n just get married 2 Tsukasa insted."I guess she's choosing how she wants to live too.As long as she's sure she'll be happy.Oh,another message.Huh?"U serious about Kurusu-kun?"Wanna hav a double wedding?" "Makoto said as she reads the messages.

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