Chapter 2

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"Rey," a voice called out. "Rey!" the voice called out again, louder this time. Luke's voice. Opening her eyes, Rey groggily sat up and took in her dark surroundings. The throne room was all but rubble, the only light coming from the rising Xegol sun filtering through the cracks of the roof, and Luke's force ghost next to her.

"Rey, your friends are searching for you above, you need to get up," Luke said, looking down at Rey who lay on the ground still.

"Master Skywalker, Ben-" her voice cracked.

A pained look came upon Luke's face, "I know,"

"What happened to him?" Rey said, her tear stricken face pleading into Skywalker's eyes.

"In order to defeat Palpatine, the powers of all past generations of Jedi flowed through you. When Palpatine was finally killed, you fulfilled his dark ritual," Luke explained with a grim face.

Rey's face started to dawn with understanding, "So when I killed him, I absorbed all the powers of the Sith?"

"Yes, which completely defies all boundaries of the Force. The power of such conflicting energies nearly killed you. Saving you came at no small price for Ben. The only way he could save you from certain death was by expelling the darkness, but that darkness had to go somewhere."

"It went into Ben," Rey said with finality. "He's now Kylo Ren again."

"Yes but you can save him, Rey. You two are a Diad in the Force. A soul split in two. Destiny calls you two together, the Force calls you two together. There is still a chance."

"There is still a chance," Rey repeated, determination setting in. Rey stood up brushing the dust off her knees. Glancing around she saw a small hole in the rubble, leading back out into the main cavern. Striding towards it, Luke could only nod in approval.

"Good luck, Rey," Luke called out, "Ben escaped in a tie but my X-wing is still out there. May the force be with you." He vanished, and Rey turned back around, stepping through the hole.

The vast corridors once filled with lightning were now dark. Igniting her twin lightsabers, Rey strode forward, back to the lift out. The tanks full of Snoke's body parts glowed ominously, casting light on the dead bodies of Palpatine's servants. Lightsaber strikes marking their bodies. Ben did this, she thought.

Arriving back on the surface of Xegol, the sun now broke through the once stormy clouds, shedding light on a fleet of resistance ships as well as hundreds of seemingly random ones. The ruins of Star Destroyers layered the once barren landscape, smoke filling the horizon. Suddenly the falcon broke from the cluster of Resistance ships, touching down next to Luke's X-wing. The engine died out with a hiss and the entrance ramp came down. "Finn!" Rey exclaimed.

"Rey!" Finn came running down the ramp and over to her, Chewbacca letting out a roar and following close behind. Finn embraced her, letting out a sigh of relief, "I felt you die."

"I know, it was Ben, he saved me," Rey uttered.

"Kylo Ren did what?" Finn yelled, a look of shock on his face.

"RAWWGRARRR!" Chewbacca followed, looking at Rey confused.

Rey backed up a step, "There's still good in him, I felt it." At which Finn let out an annoyed sigh.

"Yeah well, it doesn't sound that way! People are rising up all over the galaxy, but some planets simply don't have the firepower to do so. And to make matters worse, news just reached us that Kylo Ren is back at the forefront and has ordered a galaxy-wide annihilation of any resistance sympathizers." Finn explained.

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