Chapter 2

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I slam off the alarm and roll over.   Mark peers at me through sleepy eyes.  

“My head…..can I die now?”

Mark chuckles at me.

“You really can't hold your booze.”

“Shut up.  Like you're one to talk.”

“Awww poor baby.  You want me to make it go away?”

Mark pulls me closer to him and kisses me.

“How about I make you some strong coffee, pancakes, and bacon?”

“Sounds great.  At least one of us can cook.”

“Come on.  Go get a shower, and I'll start breakfast.”

I stumble out of bed and into the bathroom.  I get under the shower, as hot as I can stand it.  When I get out, I dig out the ibuprofen and down them before getting dressed.  As I head down the hall, I can smell bacon cooking, and coffee.

“How come you aren't rushing off to work today?”

“I have a late meeting.  I can go in around 10am. How are you feeling?”

“Need coffee.”

“Here you go.”

Mark hands me a cup of coffee and I take a big drink, then sighed.

“Breakfast is nearly ready.”

I sit at the dining room table while Mark finishes cooking.  His back is to me, and I secretly admire him.  

How come I didn't notice how sexy he looks?

“I can feel you staring at me.”

“I wasn't staring.”

“Nice try.  I know you better than that.”

“This is the problem with being married to your best friend.  You know me way too well. There's no mystery left.”

“Don't be upset because I can read you like a book.  Here's your breakfast. I'm gonna go get dressed.”

Mark kissed my head and went off to get ready for work.  I dig into my breakfast. Mark makes it just how I like it.  Extra crispy bacon, and buttery pancakes. So good. By the time he gets back, I finished my breakfast and had my plate in the dishwasher.  I have my back to him, and he comes up behind me. His arms go around my waist, and he brushes my hair aside to kiss my neck.


“You like that?”


He turns me and cups my face in his hands.  I put my arms around his waist. He gently kisses me.  I instantly melt into him. He pulls away and rests his forehead against mine.

“I have to go.   I'll see you for our date tonight.”

“Ok.  Have a great day.”

“I love you.”

“Love you too.”

With one last kiss, Mark leaves for work.  I sighed and leaned against the counter. Something in Mark changed.  I suddenly wonder if he was gay at all. His actions last night say otherwise.  Maybe he's bisexual? I don't really know anymore. A gay guy would not suddenly want to have sex with a woman.  Right? I need to talk to my bestie. My female bestie. I texted her to meet me in our usual spot before school.  I head out quickly and find Renee sitting under the big maple tree. This is where we normally meet up before class.  

My Gay HusbandNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ