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Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Enjoy.

When Kisame awoke he was merged with Samehada and surrounded by four great white sharks. "Where are we going?"

"The boss wishes to talk with you. You might want to not piss him off since he's in a bad mood, " one of them said.

He looked forward and saw darkness just like the last time he was here. He focused chakra into his eyes and saw that he was in going into a deep ravine with coral and sharks all around. Some were fighting each other and some were chasing fish around. Finally he saw it. The ravine in which the shark boss slept. When he caught sight of him he knew to not piss him off. The shark boss was a megladon.

He asked," Why are you here, summoner?"

"I'm here for two thing. To learn senjutsu and to see if you can help me master Samehada," Kisame spoke trying to not sound disrespectful.

"I will not decide if you will learn senjutsu. That is for our elder to decide. As for you mastering Samehada, what makes you think that we can, or will, help you?" The boss asked.

"The only two people to master Samehada were the First Mizukage and the founder of the Hoshigaki Clan, Megladon Hoshigaki, who was also the only shark sage ever," he answered.

"You are correct in your assumption that we can help you with mastering Samehada," confirming Kisame's thought." However we will not help you master Samehada unless you are deemed worthy of mastering him."

"May I ask what you mean by being deemed worthy," Kisame inquired trying to keep his temper in check.

"The Seven Blade all have special properties. However, three of them are unique.  I assume you know of a man by the name of Muramasa?" Kisame's expression morphed into that of surprise. "Muramasa created all of the blades himself. The three most powerful however bore his signature mark. The Kubikiribocho was forged in the blood of a iron demon who healed by ingesting the iron in his victim's blood. The Kiba were made from a super conductive metal and was cooled in the blood of a lightning kirin. Finally your blade, Samehada. He sealed the soul of a shark into it. Not just any shark, however. A shark who possessed one of Ryujin's pearls himself who was forever cursed to hunger for chakra. The only way to master Samehada is to defeat the shark himself. For you to do that you must learn senjutsu."

"How did the First Mizukage master Samehada?"

"He was a master of water minipulation. The only person to come close was Tobirama Senju. He must have used his power to beat the shark into submission."

"All right, so I need to learn senjutsu. Point me to the elder and let's get this over with."

"If only it were that easy. For you to learn from him you must find him. Even I do not know where he is. His last known location was near the Rift. The Rift is a gateway to the underworld. Good luck."

Kisame knew he was in deep suit with those word. The boss shark swam up and then turned around so quickly Kisame couldn't dodge. He was sent hurtling by the shark's tailfin far into the dark sea.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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