Chapter 2- I appoligize

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Another day. You sigh To your self knowing today will be worse. You still stay here even thought the world beats you down. You look down at your arms. Like everyone else. They look at you with shame. But you look at it as "If the world can be happy . Why can't you!? "

Well If that's what you Do To yourself To keep going in each day.... your so stupid. An idiot and you know it. Because every day uour reiminded Of all the bad things about yourself. Peaple always pick out the bad things about you, instead Of the good thongs. Turns out there is nothing good about you at all. And so the only thing you are is nothing. No-one wants To around a nobody. You are no-body.

You tell everyone your tired when your depressed. You say your happy when your sad. You are mad at the world because your in it. Your sorry you were born because no-one wanted you To be there but you still say.

"I'm sorry" you wisper

Because you are you. Your To weak . Because when someone says they need a light you go and light yourself in fire because someone needed a light. Your pathetic.

Because every girl wants To be a butterfly. Nice To look at , hard To catch. You are no where near that becauise your a moth. And your friends ar catipillars. Getting ready To be a butterfly. You will never be a butterfly.

So I'm done. I appoligoze. I never asked To be born To have a price To pay. While the world sleeps. I'm up in my room staring dreadfully at a blank wall. Because I have nothing better To Do with my life. Inlese I choose To die.

Hey guys!!!  I hope you enjoyedI'm gonna make this in jasmines pov* next!!!
Instead of putting you in jasmines shoes!!! Read, enjoy and comment!!!

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