Chapter 1: Usagi's Rude Awakening

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Seeing that Usagi was still looking at her incredulously, Urufu put the cup down and stood up, crossed her arms and looked her childhood friend straight in the eye.

"Alright, speaking seriously. Usagi." She said.

Usagi flinched at Urufu's tone changed from mirthful to resolute.


"Usagi you and I both know that I have an exact idea what it takes to you wake up in the morning... Right?"

Usagi nodded, albeit reluctantly.

"And why is that?" She questioned further. The way she said it implied that she knew that Usagi already knew the answer.

Sighing, Usagi answered. "Because you have the exact same difficulty that I have getting up in the morning."

"Precisely," Urufu nodded. "So I wouldn't use a wakeup method that was effective on you if I haven't also tested it on myself."

"I just wish you didn't have to use such unusual methods."

At this point Usagi had given up. She knew she wasn't going to get an apology out of her friend, not this time anyway.

Usagi knew that Urufu had always been the kind of person who did things her own way, even if they sometimes went against what other people thought of as normal.

A natural-born rebel is what she called herself.

"If it works, it works" her friend simply replied back.

"The results speak for themselves." She said, pointing a thumb to Usagi's alarm clock.

"Look, now you're wide awake with just enough time to get ready for school." She said, pointing a thumb to Usagi's alarm clock.

The time was 7:15am; Usagi noted that it was a vast improvement on her usual wake up times, which were often after 8 o'clock.

A bit of a problem, considering that classes started by 8am.

"Its so early, its too early." The younger girl yawned, looking like she was about to collapse into to her bed and go back to the Land of Nod.

"Oh it's not." Urufu said, “So you're not going back to sleep and ruining my efforts.”

The older blonde shook the ice cubes in her glass menancingly."

"The water in this glass will be even colder that one from before if these ice cubes melted whilst your slept off."

"Okay, okay, no need to threaten me." The younger girl placated her friend while getting out of bed.

"It's not as if I could get back to sleep with my face, hair and even my bed soaked like this anyway." Usagi voiced sullenly.

"That's why it's such an effective method" was the older girl's quick reply, as she pulled something out of her school bag.

"I grabbed a towel from your bathroom; I'll you dry off and help you get ready."

"Thanks Urufu." Usagi said, true grateful. Her oldest friend could be a bit abrasive every now and then, but Urufu was not a jerk.


With her friend's assistance, it wasn't long before Usagi was dressed and almost ready for school.

Currently the two girls were in front of her dresser's mirror, the older girl brushing her hair.

"You know I noticed that you're in uniform today, you finally coming back to school today?" Usagi asked.

"Yep, my brother finally cleared the documentation and the school has assessed that I'm academically on the same level as my classmates."

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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