[Mafumafu & Soraru] Q&A

Start from the beginning

"What's with the shocked expression?"

"You never mentioned anything about your favourite colour!" Mafumafu whined.

"You didn't notice?"

"Notice what?"

"I always wear the same colour jacket! You didn't notice that?!"

Soraru shook his head, while Mafumafu scratched the back of his head.

They then proceeded to answer. When it's time to reveal the correct answer...

"You two got it both wrong," you pouted. "I'm always wearing a (F/c) jacket, remember? Try scrolling on our previous pictures together!"

"E-Eh? I didn't know." Soraru then took his phone out and looked for their pictures. "She's right."

"Hmph. Nevermind that. Let's proceed with question number 3: What is my favourite food? Go!!"

It didn't take long for them to answer that question.

"So let's start with Mafumafu-kun!"

He showed you his answer. "This! I am confident with this! You always make (R/f), so I thought this was your favourite."

"Mm-hmm... Okay." You then turned to Soraru, "How about you, Soraru-san?"

"I don't know. This just entered my mind because I always see you eating this." The word (F/f) is written on his whiteboard.

"So, the correct answer is... SORARU-SAN GOT ONE POINT!"

"EH?!" The shock was written on Mafumafu's face. "But you always make (R/f)! Are you serious?"

You scratched the back of your neck. "Yes, I always make (R/f), just because it was the easiest one to prepare. Well, at least, that's what I think. But Soraru-san is correct, so one point goes to you, Soraru-san!"

"This is getting pretty exciting..." the older mumbled. A small smile crept its way on his lips.

"Question number 4: What is my favourite AtR song! Write your answers now!"

"Now, that's kinda hard..." Soraru tapped his marker on the table. "Only AtR?"

"Yep! Only AtR. I always play this song when I feel down. I love everything about it."

"This! I know it's this one!" Mafumafu smirked.

Once done...

"Okay! Pens up! What's your answer, Mafumafu-kun? You seemed too confident just a while ago."

"I know it's this! This is everyone's favourite!" He showed you his answer, (R/s).

"Oh?" Soraru's eyes widened. "We have the same answer. He turned his whiteboard, and written on it was the same as Mafumafu.

"Both of you are... WRONG!"


"My favourite is (F/s)." You faced Mafumafu, "And maybe, I'm not a part of that 'everyone'," you giggled.

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