Florida here we come!

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Veronica's POV

Everyone always talks about how fun summer vacation is. I haven't had an actual summer since the eighth grade. I ran away from home in the middle of my Freshman year of highschool. My parents were apart of an illegal business that I don't ever want to be apart of. They've sent hired men to find me, but I've stayed hidden. And now that I'm sixteen and caring for myself I've had to get a job to pay for everything I have; which isn't alot. I've been living in Florida for the passed year and a half now. My parents still don't know where I'm at and I don't plan on letting them know anytime soon. I don't wanna be dragged down with them. I haven't gone to school since I ran away from home. Knowing my parents they could somehow find be because of that. I also never have the time. I work all day and it wears me out. I just got off work and I'm heading out to go rest on the beach. That's what I do everyday. Wake up, work, got to the beach, go home, do my nightly routine, relax and read or something, then go to sleep. That's an everyday thing. My life has been completely taken over by this stupid routine that I'm growing to hate, but im used to it. I don't know what'd I do if I didn't keep doing this.

I'm sitting on the beach with my knees almost upto my face, just looking out at the water and sky and the sun. It's all so beautiful. With the sun glistening on the water with the small water ripples.

At around six-thirty, thirty minutes after I got off work, I went home to my small one bedroom apartment and started to get around. I took off my makeup and took a shower. I sat on my couch and got on my phone. When I left my home in New York, and away from my parents, I destroyed that phone and bought a new one once I could. I got up and walked back to my room and layed in bed. Life is so complicated.

Betty's POV

I'm waiting for Cheryl and Toni pick me up. I'm sitting in my living room on my phone.

"Oh, are you waiting for your friends?" My mom asked as she walked downstairs. I nodded.

"Yep! They should be here any minute now." I said excitedly.

"Oh, where are you going again?" She asked. I sighed.

"Florida." I told her.

"And for how long?" I rolled my eyes.

"The whole summer, mom. I've told you this." She nodded.

"I know, but why is it the whole summer?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know, that was Cheryl's doing probably." I told her. Then the door opened. I smiled knowing it's Cheryl and Toni.

"We're here!" Cheryl shouted. My mom walked upstairs again. I stood up and Cheryl looked at me.

"You know how much she hates that." She nodded.

"Yeah, that's why I do it." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay let's go." Toni said. We walked outside.

"You, Archie and reggie are coming with us." Cheryl said. "And Kevin is taking Jughead, Fangs and Sweet pea."

Archue had just walked out of his house and Reggie was already in the back of the car. Toni got in the passengers seat and I got in the back next to Reggie. Archie got on the over side of me, leaving me in the middle. Fuck! I looked from Archie to Reggie and they both laughed. I rolled my eyes.

We met Kevin and everybody else at the airport. Once we were boarded on the plane and everyone was seated I was next to Archie and Fangs. Cheryl and Toni were behind us with Kevin, and Sweet pea, Jughead and Reggie behind them. The plane took off and Cheryl curled around my seat. I looked at her and she smiled.

"Florida here we come!" She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Get back there!" I said pushing her back to her seat. She laughed a little. I looked at Archie who laughed too. I hit him.

"Oh, shut it!" I said.

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