"Are you aware of how...creepy that sounds?"

"It is, and I'm suitably ashamed. But you looked so peaceful, like a raven-haired sleeping beauty. I couldn't resist."

His fingers continued to trace the contours of her face and why was he so confusing?

"What about my sounds?"

The smile he showed her was touched with sadness.

"When I terrorized you, the second time, you finally broke and told me how you felt about us being together. You were too upset, rightfully so, to ask me why it was so important. Why did I threated your life for that kernel of knowledge."

"Should I ask now?"

"You don't have to. After everything you have told me, admitted to me, that I forced you to say, I shouldn't make you work for my confession. When I realized how important it was to you, I should have known. It was so easy to see, yet, so difficult to believe. And I have been trying to think of a way to say this without sounding like a smitten fool. But, before I do come clean, I need to preface it. I care about you, deeply. I enjoy being around you. But, because of what I told you, I can't love you."

Why did she tear up? She didn't love him either. They'd only known each other a short time. Maybe it was because he cared or maybe it was because he wasn't threatening her?

"Okay," she said as he smoothed a tear against her skin.

"I felt it. I felt the warmth that surrounded me. I felt it inside me. I felt like, after so long, I had a new home. Unwanted and unwelcome, because I felt... I feel... I am betraying her. But, when you were on your knees, fighting me on what I foolishly wanted, I need you to know, I felt it too. I have to be honest. It angered me and you were the person to make me feel it. I took it out on you, and I cannot take that action back." His lips twisted into that half smile. "Once again, something that I only seem to be able to say to you. I—."

Chevonne put her fingers over his lips. "Don't apologize for a broken heart, Elliot. We've all been through something. But I have to imagine that were my wounds as deep as yours, I would lash out as well. "

"You don't—" he said against her fingers.

"Are you going to spend my gift to you apologizing to me for me stroking an open wound?"

"A wound you knew nothing about."

"What is life but lessons?"

"How are you so wise?"

She smiled. "I have an old soul."

He captured her hand against his mouth and softly bit at her finger tips. She shivered at the feel and she curved her hand against his flesh. The look in his beautiful eyes was at once tender and wicked and she sighed as the heat bloomed within her.

But there was something... Something important...

"Oh," she said, remembering her dream, or conversation, with Nyx.


She swallowed, wondering how she was supposed to bring up the subject. What would be his reaction. She didn't want him angry again, but this wasn't just about her anymore. It was about them as well.

"Yes, oh. I... I don't know how to bring this up. I'm not used to remembering things..."


"She spoke to me again." She sat up and slid back, only then realizing that she was not in her room. "Why am I in here?"

"You were asleep in my arms. I woke you and asked you where you wanted to go. You said, not my words 'Let me go and I'll stake you'. My safety was on the line. What was I supposed to do? You were still in the haze of sleep, but I'm selfish. I wanted those soft sounds that I once threatened you for."

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