Chapter 21:

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I am officially 7 months pregnant. Yesterday we had a doctor's appointment. The baby is healthy. She could have told us the sex but we wanted it to be a surprise.  The baby would be born before or on his birthday.

" I want the baby to be my birthday present." He said.

   Blue has been very supportive, and attentive. He helps me out the bed and down the stairs. He cooks, cleans and goes to work and he satisfies my every need. He is just as horny as I am.

" Aye baby, don't forget I'm working late tonight."

" Okay." I pout as he gets out the bed to get ready for work.

" But I'm available all night if you need me."

" I know."

" Make sure your phone is charged."

" Baby, I'll be fine." I have a weird feeling but maybe it's just my paranoia.

He takes a deep breath and grabs her face. " I don't what I would do if something ever happened to you guys."

I look down and then look back up. " I'll be fine. I promise." I give him a smile. He kisses me long and hard and then rest his forehead in mine.

" God I never want to let you go."

" Then don't." I whisper.

" Please be careful baby." He kisses my belly then me. Blue leaves out the door.

" Blue...! Wait!" She runs behind him. He turns around. "....I love you."

He smiles and kisses me once more. I smile. " Bye Blue."

" Bye baby. I love you too."

He cranks up the car, cranks up and pulls off. I miss him already. Ever since Blue and I got pregnant, we've just been grown extra close, I've fallen so deep for Blue, it doesn't make any sense.

    Time flies and I'm hungry.

" You know you are a greedy little thing." I go into the fridge to get some ice cream. Chocolate chip cookie dough. " Mommy loves you though."

I eat my ice cream and that bad feeling came back. I hold our baby protectively. I pick up the phone and call Blue.

" Hey baby."

" Hi."

" What's the matter?"

" Blue there's this feeling I can't shake. I'm scared."

" Awe baby, go lay down."

" Okay." I go lay down." What now?"

" Take a deep breath."

I take a deep breath. " Okay. What now?"

" Now close your eyes." I blink. " It's okay baby. Trust me."

I slowly close them. " Okay they're closed."

" Right now. I'm hugging you, holding you, protecting you, loving you and our baby, can you feel me?"

" Blue, I just wish you was here, I want to be in your arms, kissing you, making love to you. I thought I would be fine but...I'm scared and I miss you." I tear up.

" Awe no baby don't...Don't cry." He sounds like he's holding back  his tears. " Baby feel me. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere."

I screw my eyes tight as I feel him. " Please don't."

" I love you." Blue whispers.

" I love you too." I slowly slip into a sound sleep.

    Something woke me from my sleep. It was the Tv. It's on mute so I turn it up.

" This just in, there has been a jailbreak. People are saying that his name is Max Henderson. He is also said to be dangerous. If you see this man plea-"

The whole house goes dark. I quickly sit up. I check my phone. Low battery.

" Dammit." I head for the door. " Shit I forgot the damn keys."

Damn how the hell did I forget. I grab the keys and lock the door. I look around. All seems clear.

" Mmm!" I scream. Everything goes black.

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