Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    Peter was relaxing back into their normal routine. School was back on a normal schedule. They were nearing the end of the year anyway but Peter didn't mind. A summer vacation would be nice and hopefully there wouldn't be too many avengers level threats during it. Beck was living comfortably at the Avengers home base and Peter was glad that other than that, nothing much had really changed. They still hung out in school all the time and they did stuff in the city in their group of friends. He'd been taking MJ on dates whenever he could. Thankfully, he'd never had to cancel one of those due to a Spider Man issue. Everything was going pretty well and that's all he could really hope for right now. They were outside right now for their last day of science club. Exams were next week. The four of them were sitting in the grass and tossing food around while they quizzed each other on questions for their exams. They were pretty confident for their science exams so they decided that studying that half-seriously would be okay. Beck was reading all the questions since he was in a different class than them. Everytime they got something wrong, he'd throw something at them.

    "This year has been really fun," Ned said after he dodged a cracker that had been aimed for his head.

    "It has been," Peter agreed.

    "Yeah, you guys are pretty cool," Beck hummed, setting the page of questions down.

    "We should take another vacation," MJ decided, "This summer. Just the four of us with no chaperones."

    "That would be cool," Peter smiled.

    "Could you imagine all the trouble we would get into?" Ned snorted.

    "Hey, you two would be the safest people on the planet," Beck pointed out, "You've got two avengers with you."
    "I still can't believe that you're an avenger," MJ shook her head, "Sure you aren't smoking that stuff again?"

    Beck glared at her, "No, I stopped because whenever I had one, you would throw it under the subway."

    MJ grinned, "Thank me later."

    Peter snorted. He'd seen it a couple times. Beck had lost at least six of them on the tracks of the subway.

    "Someone's gonna end up down there one day to clean or do construction work," Ned laughed, "And they'll be like, who was vaping THIS much down here."

    Beck laughed and shook his head, "Shut up!"

    Peter grinned and took a bite of his hamburger. "Your face after each time was just so ridiculous."

    Beck rolled his eyes, "I just couldn't believe she continued to do it."

    "You should know by now that I don't give a shit," MJ replied.

    "I know, I know," Beck grinned, "I do now."

    Peter smiled and got up to go grab some extra food. How had he gotten so lucky to have such good friends?

    "Hey! Mr. Harrington!" he heard Beck's voice ring out. Peter turned around and saw Beck spraying some sort of can at a lighter, "Look! Science!"

    "Quentin! Stop!" Mr. Harrington shouted as the flames got bigger and Peter covered his mouth to hide his smile. Beck grinned and shouted something but it was drowned out by the shouting from everything, "You better stop! STOP!"

    "Hey Davis!" Beck shouted as he ran forward, chasing Brad around the table with his homemade flamethrower. Mr. Harrington ran after them to try and stop Beck from killing someone. Peter went back to sit by his friends who were laughing.

    "He's going to get in so much trouble," Ned shook his head.

    "It's alright," Peter grinned, "It was worth it." He leaned over and gave MJ a quick kiss on her cheek. After Beck got yelled at by Mr. Harrington for a few minutes and Brad was checked for any injuries, they headed inside. They were going to play a final round of trivia. Peter was just ready to enjoy a good competition with his friends. They got the board set up and Mr. Harrington and Mr. Dell helped them move the chairs to different sides of the room. The window was open so they had some fresh air coming in. Peter heard the police sirens outside and then they passed by outside. He felt the hair on his neck stand up slightly. They'd just started the game...


    "Mr. Harrington, I'm not really feeling too good, can I go to the bathroom...?"

    "Of c-"
    Peter stood up, "I'm not either...I think mine's worse, I need to go first..."

    "Mr. Harrington, if you don't let me go first, I'm literally going to diarrhea this chair," Beck said quickly.

    "I feel like I'm going to throw up," Peter held his stomach and acted like he was going to get sick.

    "Oh god, now I do, too...," Beck managed, "It's gonna come out both ends, Mr. Harrington...."

    "Just...both of you get out of here," Mr. Dell managed and the two of them hurried for the door. As soon as they were out of sight of the classroom, they took off running down the hall. Beck grinned at him as they raced towards the door.

    "I won that excuse battle."

    "In your dreams," Peter shook his head, "He was totally more freaked out by the thought of me vomiting than your ass disaster."

    "Both ends!" Beck whined as they got outside and suited up. "Need a lift Spidey-Boy?"

    Peter rolled his eyes and shot his webs, "In your dreams Fishbowl."

    "Hey! That name isn't even creative!" Beck called after him as they headed down the streets of the city. Peter heard his phone buzz and saw a good luck text from MJ. He grinned to himself and headed towards the sounds of the police sirens.

    "Hey! If I get him, you're the sidekick!" Peter called.

    "Oh, I'm getting him!" Beck replied. Peter swung through the buildings and grinned. He liked doing this neighborhood stuff and he enjoyed having someone to help him out with it. He knew he'd still be willing to do avengers level threats if they needed him but for now, he was happy just focusing on his neighborhood thieves. That and making sure Beck kept his title of sidekick. He landed down by the crooks and waved.

    "You've come to the wrong neighborhood to be causing trouble."

    "Yeah, seriously," Beck landed next to him, "What the hell were you thinking?"
    "You're in deep trouble now, boys," Peter watched them, "So, who wants to go first?"

    The men stared at them and then they all aimed their guns at them. Beck sighed next to him and Peter tried not to smile.

    "All together then," he gave Beck a high-five, "Let's go."

    Oh yeah. It was definitely a safer neighborhood with the two of them on patrol all the time.

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