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Asami woke up on the Bottom of the bunk bed which Tenzin got both girls since they started sending more time together. Asami looked up at the top but Korra wasn't there. Memories of the night before flooded her mind
"Korra where are you going?" Asami said as her voice started cracking
" 'Sami I just need time to think about something" Korra said looking out the open window which she was about to go out of "where are you going to sleep! PELASE Korra just talk to me" Asami pleaded but Korra shook her head
"You said I could tell you when I'm ready but I'm not Asami...I'm not ready yet" Korra said which surprised Asami as Korra usually called her 'Sami.
"I know what i said but I'm your friend we can trust each other please korra" Asami still pleaded as Tears fell from her face "do you still like Mako" Korra asked softly. Asami didn't know what to say she was shocked the silence grew on until Korra couldn't Handle it anymore and ran out the room threw the window, when Asami tried to shout for her she was already gone.
*end of flashabck*
Asami covered her face think Korra wouldn't come back but there was a knock on the window "hey Sami! Sami! Come on I'm freezing" Korra whispered as she shivered. The CEO ran to the Window and opened it with tears stains still on her face. Korra couldn't help but tightly hug Asami. The two shared the hug while blushing until Korra pulled away "Korra I have to tell you some-"
"No's my turn" Korra said touching Asamis lips as she breathed out heavily "Asami ever since I was poisoned by Zaheer I hated my life I thought nobody wanted me anymore...but you stayed by my side no matter what....and on that vacation it was the best I can't tell you how many nights I wanted to confess and just kiss you....but I couldn't because I thought you had feelings for Mako and I know you still do but...Kya knocked some sense into this old Avatar" Korra said giggling as she looked down playing with her hands
"So....Asami Sato will you pelase be my girlfriend" Korra asked as her whole face was red she was going
To say something more until a pare of soft lips fell on hers Asami was now kissing Korra. "Mmm" korra's eyes widened her crush was now kissing her. The Avatars body was moving on its own as both her hands wrapped itself around Asamis waist and pulled her closer, after a few minuets they pulled away Korra speechless and Asami blushing as she covered her face.
"W-why'd you kiss me?" Korra asked looking away from the embarrassment.
The CEO walked towards the Avatar and pulled her into a hug
"Because I love you Korra....I always have....mako is no where near my heart" Asami said laying her head on korra's chest. "Did i interrupt a confession?" Kya said as she closed the door, Asami pulled away from Korra
"Don't worry I won't two make a adorable couple" the water tribe woman said smiling
"Thanks I can wait to tell everybody" Korra said smiling which changes Kyas facial expression and Asamis.
" can't tell everybody" Kya said leaning against the wall
"When me and Lin started dating we told the Tenzin and his family they were understanding because It's normal for Airbenders to love anybody but some Nations especially Fire nation people would hate you" Kya said and looked away. Asami felt that this was intriguing so she asked Kya to go on.
"Hmm...well when Sozin became Fire lord he made Same sex relationships a crime...and even Tho Avatar Kiyoshi who loved both genders couldn't do anything to stop it" Kya said clenching her fist "you can tell some but others have opinions and there opinions could lead into either the Avatars death...or The future industries CEO" she added on but her glances turned to Korra who clenched her fist in Anger. Asami noticed and got a bit worried, she kissed Korra on the cheek and whispered something into her ear which calmed the Avatar completely.
"I love you 'Sami" Korra said blushing
"I love you to Korra". Kya smiled and decided to leave the couple alone.

"GIRLS SOMEONES HERE TO SEE YOU" Tenzin shouted seeing both Korra and Asami run towards the door. But there expressions changed when they saw Mako at the door.
"Ah! Asami may I have a word with you" Mako said putting his hand over Asami and walking with her to the guest room. Korra felt her Anger build up but she stayed calm
I trust Asami
She kept saying in her head.

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