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"What an arse" he shouts out in his tipsy state from my final complaint of my ex boss - as he applies the final touches to my make up. Making me pout so he can add the lip gloss to my lips. He holds his head up, closing his mouth shut tight, gesturing for me to do the same before he adds a little more.

"I don't know about this dress you know" i stand, taking a quick look in the mirror. It's more like a damn tshirt it's that short. Thank god it's tight and clings to me.

"Shut up" he complains "A man can't resist a woman in red" he winks as he adds a bit more gel to his quiff.

"Who says i need a man" i scoff. A little weirded out that my best friend seems to know my needs better than i do myself.

He laughs at my sudden stroppyness "You're gonna get laid tonight" he says with a fiesty lip pout over at me.

"I don't need to get laid" i protest.

"You need to get laid. Look how stressed you are!" he answers back quickly. Like he knows it all.

I giggle, "I'd be okay if B.O.B had batteries"

"Well, i know what to get you for christmas" he states with a giggle.

"Batteries?" i frown. About to scold him for the lack of thought and cheek of him.

He bursts out laughing "Nah, have you not seen those new ones that just recently come out? The charge on them lasts for weeks. Girl you can go for weeks if you-"

"I get it" i hold my hand up, cutting him off. Knowing him and his filthy ways and thoughts.

"Ready baby girl? We have too many new places to check out. London is big" he holds his hand out for me "Lets get this party started" he high fives me before we head for the door.

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We're approached by a business looking guy as soon as we step into the packed out club. Quickly handing us a flyer between us and telling us both to have a great night with a firm nod before he vanished.

"That was odd" i comment soon as he's out of ear shot.

"Or, fucking amazing" he snatches it out of my hand, reading over it quickly "and VIP baby!" he screams out in excitement, making me giggle at how easily pleased he is. He grabs me by the arm, literally running to the bar.

"Heels!" i complain as we get there. Jesus, i nearly broke my neck. Why the hell am i wearing heels again!

"This is gonna be quick, so keep up" he tells the bar tender as soon as we get to the bar, leaning over to shout to him. Completely ignoring me at this point. Alcohol being the only thing on his mind, and I'm guessing the bar tender too as he gives him that look. The Carl look as he calls it. Which probably means I'm going home alone tonight. So I'd better make this a good one and enjoy myself while i still have him around.

"Thanks" he gives the guy a cheeky wink as he places our 3 drinks each down. Oh god, he's starting his charm already...

"hey-" i nudge into Carl, noticing others are paying "No one is getting free drinks" i stand on my tip toes to shout into him.

"Someone's obviously noticed I'm a model then" he smirks with a shrug but says it simple, like that must be it. Such a vain human being. I roll my eyes but don't add anything on as i pick my drinks up and follow him on up to the top of the club to the seats. Carl is up the stairs before I've even gotten to the bottom where the bouncer is, letting certain people through.

"Miss Smith" he greets me with a nod. I give him a confused look but choose not to think too much into it. There's a possibility they just happen to know who my step father is. The 25th richest person in this country "have a good night" he smiles as i slowly make my way up the stairs.

When i finally get to the top, no surprise Carl is already in conversation with someone as he stands with his back to me. I make my way over, struggling with the 3 glasses crammed into my hand. One slips from my grasp, dropping to the floor, splashing all over my dress "Oh for fuck sakes!" i curse out. This is just typical. Fake tan disaster! I step over the glas on the floor. Letting loose on Carl, interupting his conversation to scold him "thanks for helping arsehole!" i shout into the back of him as he carries on chatting.

"Sorry baby, got chatting" he moves his upper body to the side to show his new friend off.

"Miss Smith" He grins amused at the image of me "You seem to be a little..." he looks down at my dress "wet" he looks back up. His eyes locked on mine... No, not again!

"This is becoming a joke" i spit at him.

Carl gives me a confused look before his eyes go wide "Is this-

"Yep!" i nod, keeping my eyes on the arsehole infront of me. Still amused and as smug as ever. Carl wolf whistles at Mr Healy. Clearly liking what he see's. God, you have him "He's younger than i imagined" he leans in to whisper to me before turning back to admire him.

I place the drinks down and quickly storm off. But something tells me to stop. I quickly turn back. Deciding I'm not going to be the one to leave. He will...

"Do you have to be here?" I scoff, placing a hand on my hip to show him he's really fucking me off. Basically becoming an annoying shadow of mine.

"Not really" he slowly takes a sip from his wine glass "But i do like to keep a close eye on my businesses" he looks at me smugly before taking a big mouthful, his eyes never leaving mine. Like he's thirsty, an not just for the wine. Making it obvious he's amused at how pissed off i am. Like it's a show to him.

"You're unbelievable" i roll my eyes at him. This is typical. Why?!

"As are you. That dress" he bites down on his bottom lip as he perves all over me, again. Causing Carl to spit his drink from his mouth all over me, becoming dreneched again for the second time in 5 minutes. Leaving me mortified, before i storm off for a final  time.


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