Chapter 2

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I wake up in a human sized tube. Where am I? Who am I? Memories flood my mind as I get up to look at my surroundings. That's right, my name is Nemesis. Experiment 109 body age: 16 actual age: unknown. I was in a building covered in suet. There was an opening in the roof above me, if you would look from above it was probably a crater. Broken pillars and shattered glass were spread around the room, as if an explosion happened. The lab. Why am I here?

"Master, why was I created?" My younger self asked. "Because, they plan on making a nuclear bomb inorder to mutate the animals. You will be the one to kill all of the Mutants." Master replied. "Now take your spear and head to your tube. You need to store your energy." "Yes, Master." I walk back to my tube and close it. My tube was laying in the middle of the room horizontally. It was gray with many blue and green buttons. I suddenly feel very tired, as if I were dying. I look to my said and see master hitting the button for a 30 year sleep. "M-master what are yo-" my voice went silent as I fall asleep, and never wake up.

~End of Flash Back~

My blue spear lies next to me. ((Look at the picture if you want to know how she looks like you know me and my descriptions are bad XP)) I grab it and climb up and out of the crater and look at where I am. In an abandons city. Monsters lurk in the dark starring at me. "Mutants." I say identifying them. "I must fully awake until I fight them." I run, as fast as light, north. There I see the giant white domes that protect the humans. I run towards it and look for an entry. "Hey you! What are you doing out of the dome?" A soldier calls out to me. I walk towards him. "Hello. My name is Nemesis. I want to know how I enter this place." I say in my monotone voice. "Well, I don't know who you are, or what you want, but I don't want ya' dying out here. Come with me." He says and I follow him to a door that leads into a cold white room. "Sit." Another person told me and I do. She had white hair pulled up into a bun. She wore a lab coat and a tan color classy skirt with stockings and a pair of black Mary Janes. "What is your name?" She asks. "My name is Nemesis." I reply. "How did you survive outside of this place?" "I was asleep in my tube Ma'am." "What tube?" "My foster tube." "What does it do?" "It regenerates my powers." "What powers?" "The powers that master gave me." "What are you?" "I am Experiment 109 of the Mad Hatters Science Laboratory. I was an experiment there." She looks at me with cold eyes with a slight hint if fear. "Where is your master now?" She asks cold and rashly. "I do not know Ma'am. Most likely dead." I say with my usual monotone voice. "Hmm....well, I'm going to let you in but you have to wear this collar. I can hear and see what you say and do." "Yes Ma'am." I say as she puts the collar around my neck. "Leave your Spear here." She commands. "I cannot Ma'am. If I do so I would be disobeying my Master's orders. He said "always keep your Spear with you no matter what." I say sitting up straight. ".....fine." She says and walks to her computer. "You can go." And I walk off and out into the city. Where should I go to rest?

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