Two Pink Lines Pt.2>Edwin Honoret

Start from the beginning

Brandon came running outside, confused as hell.

"What bags?" he asked, still confused until he saw

He gave me an oh look then ran inside.

By the time we got to the car, Brandon had got Zion, Nick, and Austin all in the car along with y/n and the baby's bags.

He helped me get y/n into the passenger seat then we all hopped in, and sped off to the hospital.


We had just got y/n checked into a hospital room. The doctors got her changed from her clothes into a gown, placed the band around her stomach and hooked her up to everything that was needed.

They also got the baby's bed ready with the diapers, blankets, all that good stuff.

Y/n was 7 centimeters dilated according to her doctor. Three more to go and we'll officially have a baby.

I sat at her bedside, holding her hand while rubbing my thumb over her knuckles.

"I'm sorry" I let out.

"For what Eddy?" she said, confused, breathing in and out how her doctors suggested.

"For doing this to you. You're going through all of this pain and it's my fault." I responded.

"Edwin Honoret, don't you ever be sorry for getting me pregnant. Yes, it might be one of the most painful things I've had to go through, but I get to go through it with you. You gave me this baby and I see that as a gift, so don't be a sorry babe." y/n answered.

I leaned up to her forehead, gave her a kiss then sat back down, just smiling at her.

Soon enough, y/n was at 9 centimeters dilated so doctors were rushing around, getting everything they needed, in the room.

We had y/n on her yoga ball, I guess it's supposed to help, anyway, she was on the ball, leaning back onto me.

In the middle of it, she hunched over, having really intense contractions.

I knelt down at her side, my hand rubbing her back, I told her to match my breathing and that's what she did.

We kept breathing together until her contraction passed. She looked up at me and just smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just really love you." y/n said.

"I love you too y/n," I said back.

Her doctor walked back in, we helped her back into bed, and sure enough, she was now 10 centimeters dilated.

Y/n's mom was called into the room since she was allowed to have two people with her. I stood at her left while her mom stood at her right.

She looked up at me as they were propping her legs up and getting her lower region ready for the birth, her hand shakily grabbed mine into hers and brought it to her lips, giving my hand a kiss but never letting go.

"Alright, y/n take a deep breath, hold it and start pushing for ten seconds, okay hun?" Her doctor instructed.

She nodded and did as told.

They had her do that six times before they finally saw the baby's head, I even saw it.


"Come on hun, one more big push, you'll have that baby out." her doctor said, coaching her through it.

I still stood at her head, wiping the sweat from her head every now and then. Her hand never let go of mine.

With that last push, she let out a struggled scream, and that's when we heard small cries.

Both y/n and I looked down at the doctor's hands, wondering what the baby was.

"Looks like you two have yourselves a little baby girl. Congratulations!" The doctor announced happily.

The doctor had me cut the cord then took our little girl over to the table, weighed her and cleaned all the blood and amniotic fluid from her.

They gave her eyes a medication to help cleanse them.

They wrapped her in a blanket, placed a hat on her tiny head and handed her to us. Y/n laid her on her chest.

We both kissed her head at the same time then I kissed y/n's head.

"Do you guys have a name?" The nurse asked.

"Leigh Evelyn Honoret." Y/n and I said at the same time.

And that was that we were content.

The boys came in along with y/n's dad and my parents.

Leigh was passed around from y/n's mom to my mom than our dad's and finally all the guys.

"I'm obviously going to be the favorite uncle," Austin stated proudly.

The other three looked insulted and started arguing over who would be her favorite.

Everyone just started laughing but Leigh looked lost.

After 2 days in the hospital, we finally got to take Leigh home, and our lives were forever changed, for the better.

Y/n's an amazing mom, and Leigh has made me a better person. She even helped bring us all closer.

 She even helped bring us all closer

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^Leigh Evelyn Honoret

A/n- I personally think Edwin would be the best dad ever. I think all the boys would be actually.🙃

^example A, look how effing cute this is

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^example A, look how effing cute this is.🥺

xoxo-Jozlyn :)

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