Part 1

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At the court house

"The jury finds Mr. He Cheng, not guilty. And here by dropped all the charges against him."

As the gravel dropped sharply in quiet room indicating the end of 8 months long trial, He Tian soothed his suit and headed out silently, not waiting for his brother to get off the stand and got surrounded by the media. He had stood by him through this long trial in the states, making sure the deeds his father done would not come back and bite them in the ass. And had been for over two years now. His time in America had came to an end.

Holding up the end of a deal he made with his brother in exchange for a straight lace peaceful life with his beloved, Mo Guan Shan, he had to stay beside He Cheng and helped him out in family business. He was meant to go back after one year but fate wasn't kind to him and just when the one year deal was up, the He enterprise faced a terrible law suit against their rivals. As much as he wanted to go back and see his boyfriend, he couldn't ditch his brother when he was in trouble.

But now, the trial was success. There was nothing holding him down anymore. He couldn't wait to go back to his lover's arms. He rushed out of the court house and hailed a taxi when his phone vibrated. "Hello?" "You can't wait your brother for a few minutes?" He Cheng said, sulking a bit as his baby brother was too eager to leave him. He Tian got in the taxi and gave the man the direction to airport

"I saw it through to the end and you are safe now. You don't need me here anymore. Besides, it is such a pain to deal with media when I have a plane to catch." He Cheng sighed. "...I can't stop you this time, can I?" "No. I already fulfilled my end of the deal. Now you have to uphold yours. It been 2 years since I see Little Mo. I can't waste another second." He Cheng felt he was being abandoned but he didn't press the matter further and readily gave consent to it.

At the airport ...

He Tian was rushing too much, he basically half walked and half run toward the ticket counter. He was out of breath before the staff who was wide eyed and bewildered by his action. "I already booked the direct ticket to China. Name is He Tian." The girl checked his disheveled state and blushed. "Sure, sir. But the time is not until another 2 hour. You can catch your breath in the lounge." She smiled and put a lock of hair behind her ear acting all coy. He Tian was too preoccupied with himself, he cared little for her. "2 more hours? Shit. Well, guess that is that. Thanks, anyway." He was too impatient with the time but there was nothing he could do, so he gave up and headed to the lounge waiting area.

He sat with a cup of coffee and took out his phone. There were a couple of missed calls, all from his best friend, Jian Yi. Amused by the fact that he would soon be able to see him, he called him up. "Hey...Jian Yi! Guess what. I am coming back." He smiled brightly, not waiting for the other person to reply him. "Hey, He Tian...Good that you are coming back." He Tian frowned.

He had been away for more than 2 years and this was how his best friend reacted? Weird. "Don't be too happy, you jerk." Jian Yi sounded tired and with a deep sigh he said, "I didn't mean it like that. Of course, I am happy." He clicked his tongue and took a gulp of coffee. "Little Mo with you? He told me he was discharged a few days ago. I am glad his cold didn't last long this time. When I come back, I gotta pamper him rotten. I am so excited, we will be able to spend Christmas together this year."

He imagined babying his boyfriend and the usual cold passive face brightened like Christmas tree. Jian Yi didn't reply for a few minutes, he checked whether the line was disconnected or not but it wasn't. "....He is not with me...Look dude, I have something to tell you." He Tian felt a twinge of suspicion in his overflowing excitement, Jian Yi was being serious for once. There must be something he wanted to tell him. "Ok, shoot." He took a sip from the cup and relaxed. "" "Sorry what?..." Suddenly a sharp tingling buzz run through his hand and his phone dropped to the floor. With a loud crack, the screen broke.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2019 ⏰

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